Update 2017-08-31: More maps and other information in the Phosphate Mining page.
Update 2017-08-30: Follow this link for a proposed new and much better mining areas map.
Here are copies of the original searchable and high resolution PDFs of the three main items presented by NCFRPC (a slide presentation, the evaluation amendments, and a draft mining text amendment) at the Union County Comprehensive Plan workshop Monday 21 August 2017.
Illustration A-X: Mining Areas on page A-25 of the
Evaluation Amendments.
PDF of this page.
Thanks to Scott R. Koons, Executive Director, North Centra Florida Regional Planning Council, for sending these documents in response to a public records request from Suwannee Riverkeeper.
The documents are (with links to the PDFs):
A 21-page
slide presentation:
- Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Amendments
- Comprehensive Plan Mining Text Amendment
- The 154-page document: UNION COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EVALUATION AMENDMENTS, from which I extracted the map above.
- ATTACHMENT A, CPA 17-00, an application by the Board of County Commissioners to amend the text of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan; see below.
CPA 17-00
Board of County CommissionersCPA 17-00, an application by the Board of County Commissioners to amend the text of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
I have omitted the deleted parts, and below is the replacement part. In the original PDF this all has DRAFT in huge diagonal letters across it.
OBJECTIVE I.3 Regulate extraction activities so that they do not adversely affect the quality of air, groundwater, surface water, land and wildlife.
Policy I.3.1 The County shall develop a comprehensive approach to mineral resources. Existing land development regulations that address mineral resources shall be reviewed, consolidated, and revised to provide for comprehensive natural resource protection. Revisions shall include the following:
- Identification of a mining and excavation district, with associated policy directives.
- Restriction of mining and excavation in conservation areas.
- Provisions for avoidance, minimization, and mitigation of adverse impacts, including but not limited to impacts related to noise, lighting, traffic, habitat, listed species, air, surface water and ground water quality and quantity.
- Standards for reclamation and reuse that provide for restoration of the functions of natural systems.
Policy I.3.2 The land development regulations shall address mining, land excavation and filling activities, and shall include provisions for reclamation and reuse, and assure successful completion of approved reclamation and reuse plans. Mining, land excavation and filling activities shall be consistent with the land development regulations which shall provide for permit requirements and standards for site location, site design, environmental protection and reclamation.
Policy I.3.3 The quality and quantity of ground and surface waters shall not be significantly altered through extraction operations. Potential groundwater impacts shall be evaluated by the applicant prior to commencement of mining activities as part of the permitting process. Water quality and quantity monitoring activities at extraction sites shall be reviewed by the County. Costs for providing water quality and quantity monitoring at extraction sites shall be borne by the extractor.
Policy I.3.4 Extraction operations shall minimize potential adverse impacts to surrounding areas and use specific mitigation criteria to minimize air, noise and traffic impacts.
Policy I.3.5 Buffer zones shall be established adjacent to natural streams and watercourses and existing parks and preserves so that they will not be adversely impacted by extraction activities.
Policy I.3.6 Mining activities shall not be initiated in established residential areas or in designated conservation areas identified on the Future Land Use Map. New residential developments shall be restricted in the vicinity of operating mines or shall provide for adequate buffers and noise abatement. Areas containing sources of commercially valuable minerals shall be protected from the encroachment of incompatible land uses.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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