Sinkhole half a mile from FPL pipeline, FSC 2017-09-11

Hurricane Irma caused a sinkhole that destroyed the entrance to a subdivision less than half a mile from an FPL pipeline to the sea, about two miles from Floridian Natural Gas (FlING), and about seven miles from the end of Florida Southeast Connection (FSC). What other sinkholes appeared, and were any under that pipeline, FSC, Sabal Trail, or Transco?

Sinkhole, FPL pipeline, FLiNG, FSC
Sinkhole, FPL pipeline, FLiNG, FSC; map by John S. Quarterman for WWALS.
Click on this link for the interactive google map.

Julius Whigham II, Palm Beach Post, 12:39 a.m. Monday, Sept. 11, 2017, Hurricane Irma: Storm creates sinkhole in western Martin community,

INDIANTOWN — The entrance to an Indiantown community was destroyed Sunday by a large sinkhole created by Hurricane Irma, the Martin County Sheriff’s Office reports.

Crews inspecting damage in the aftermath of the hurricane found the sinkhole near Indianwood Golf & Country Club, the sheriff’s office said.

That’s less than half a mile from Warfield Highway, aka SW Warfield Blvs., aka FL 710, down which runs FPL’s own pipeline to the sea from its Indiantown power plant to Riviera Beach.

600x430 Martin to Riviera Route Map, in Where are Floridian LNG and FLiNG Energy?, by John S. Quarterman, for, 22 May 2014

And the sinkhole is about two miles from the authorized site of Floridian Natural Gas (FLiNG), at 18300 SW Warfield Blvd, Indiantown, FL 34956, on a massively contaminated old Florida Steel Company site.

300x147 18300 SW Warfield Blvd, Indiantown, in Where are Floridian LNG and FLiNG Energy?, by John S. Quarterman, for, 22 May 2014

Visible on that last map, just east across the road from FPL’s Indiantown Power Plant, is the Metering & Regulation (M&R) Station at the end of the Florida Southeast Connection Pipeline. The FSC EoL is about seven miles from the sinkhole.

M&R Station, End of Line, MP 126.29, 21040-510-ALS-00140 STA: 6525+00 TO 6658102, MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA, courtesy Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE)
M&R Station, End of Line, MP 126.29, 21040-510-ALS-00140 STA: 6525+00 TO 6658102, MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA, 27.0614160, -80.5540780, courtesy Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE)

FSC Alignment Sheet Index Map, courtesy Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE)
FSC Alignment Sheet Index Map, courtesy Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE)

Thanks to Cecile Scofield for this sinkhole find.

What other sinkholes will watchers find, up and down the FSC, Sabal Trail and Transco line?

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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  1. Pingback: Pinocchio or Vulcan? Still claims Sabal Trail is safe 2017-09-14 | WWALS Watershed Coalition (Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®)

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