Hagan Bridge Landing, Withlacoochee River, GA 122 2017-11-26

Pretty low at Hagan Bridge, the start of the WWALS outing down the Withlacoochee River to Franklinville, February 2, 2018.

Hagan Bridge, River bank

I took these pictures Saturday a week ago, November 26, 2017, when the Skipper Bridge gauge read 1.85 feet (122.15 NAVD88).

Farther down, River bank

Today, Sunday December 3, 2017, it reads 1.67 feet (121.97 NAVD88). NWS Low Stage is 122.1 NAVD88 (1.8 feet), so you can imagine today would not be a good day to paddle. You might as well walk.

Yellow dog in flood plain, On shore

However, late December through April is normally the rainy season, so we will probably see water levels rise plenty before February 2, 2018.

Four years of the Skipper Bridge Gauge 023177483, USGS

Skipper Bridge Gauge 023177483, USGS

And if we don’t get enough rain, that’s why we have backups scheduled for each outing, on a lake or pond or downstream.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Hagan Bridge, River bank
Hagan Bridge, River bank

Downstream, River bank
Downstream, River bank

Flowing, River bank
Flowing, River bank

Across, River bank
Across, River bank

Upstream, River bank
Upstream, River bank

Movie: Not bad for no rain (15M), River bank
Movie: Not bad for no rain (15M), River bank

Farther down, River bank
Farther down, River bank

Nice colors, River bank
Nice colors, River bank

Yellow dog in flood plain, On shore
Yellow dog in flood plain, On shore

TV, On shore
TV, On shore

Couch, On shore
Couch, On shore