Sure you didn’t break something, Sabal Trail? Or did you lose one of your only two admitted customers? If not, why are you still only shipping less than 10% of your stated capacity six weeks after you went to zero for seventeen days? And how can FERC justify eminent domain for taking people’s land and risking our water for a pipeline your own figures persuasively now argue is not needed?
Nom still less than 10% of Cap, 2017-12-27
Remember, on November 14, the same day Sabal Trail’s gas dropped to zero, its uncommitted capacity also dropped by 300,000 Dekatherms per day, which is exactly the same as what Duke Energy Florida said it would buy, with “Contract Primary Term Expiration Date” of “10/15/2017.” That’s thirty days before the gas stopped flowing on November 14, 2017. And there’s been no change in Sabal Trail’s uncommitted capacity since then.