Possibly for the first time ever, all of the Riverkeepers of Georgia spoke at the same event.
All Georgia Riverkeepers: Flint Riverkeeper Gordon Rogers, Savannah Riverkeeper Tonya Bonitatibus, Ogeechee Riverkeeper Damon Mullis, Altamaha Riverkeeper Jen Hilburn, Upper Coosa Riverkeeper Jesse Demonbreun-Chapman, St Marys Riverkeeper Anna Laws, Satilla Riverkeeper Laura Early, Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman (Chattahoochee had already left).
Below are links to the WWALS video of each talk, followed by a WWALS video playlist. See also the program, and a few more pictures.
Intro –Carolyn Belcher, GA-AFS Chapter President
What are Riverkeepers? –Gordon Rogers, Flint Riverkeeper
Coal Ash –Jen Hilburn, Altamaha Riverkeeper
Water Quality Monitoring –Jess Sterling, T. P. Dir., Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
Tax trust funds –Jesse Demonbreun-Chapman, Upper Coosa Riverkeeper
Georgia instream flow policy –Gordon Rogers, Flint Riverkeeper
Overview of research collaborations –Damon Mullis, Ogeechee Riverkeeper
Fisheries Managers and Nonprofit leaders –Anna Laws, St Marys Riverkeeper
Estuary habitat restoration –Laura Early, Satilla Riverkeeper
Cutoff bend restoration –Tonya Bonitatibus, Savannah Riverkeeper
Daily GA-EPD Sewage Spill Reports –John S. Quarterman, Suwannee Riverkeeper
Panel, All Georgia Riverkeepers
These videos are under a Creative Commons Attribution license, which means anyone may use them, or even edit or remix them, provided they cite the source, which is WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc.
Here’s a WWALS video playlist:
Videos: All Georgia Riverkeepers speak to American Fisheries Society 2019-02-06
Videos by John S. Quarterman for WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS),
at Georgia Chapter, American Fisheries Society (GA-AFS),
meeting at Lake Blackshear Resort, 2019-02-06.
Thanks to Carolyn Belcher, Presdent, Georgia Chapter, American Fisheries Society (GA-AFS), for inviting us. Thanks to Gordon Rogers, Flint Riverkeeper, for rounding up the usual suspects. Thanks to all the Riverkeepers for speaking.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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