Videos: All Georgia Riverkeepers speak to American Fisheries Society 2019-02-06

Possibly for the first time ever, all of the Riverkeepers of Georgia spoke at the same event.

[All Georgia Riverkeepers]
All Georgia Riverkeepers: Flint Riverkeeper Gordon Rogers, Savannah Riverkeeper Tonya Bonitatibus, Ogeechee Riverkeeper Damon Mullis, Altamaha Riverkeeper Jen Hilburn, Upper Coosa Riverkeeper Jesse Demonbreun-Chapman, St Marys Riverkeeper Anna Laws, Satilla Riverkeeper Laura Early, Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman (Chattahoochee had already left).

Below are links to the WWALS video of each talk, followed by a WWALS video playlist. See also the program, and a few more pictures.

These videos are under a Creative Commons Attribution license, which means anyone may use them, or even edit or remix them, provided they cite the source, which is WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc.

Here’s a WWALS video playlist:

Videos: All Georgia Riverkeepers speak to American Fisheries Society 2019-02-06
Videos by John S. Quarterman for WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS), at Georgia Chapter, American Fisheries Society (GA-AFS), meeting at Lake Blackshear Resort, 2019-02-06.

Thanks to Carolyn Belcher, Presdent, Georgia Chapter, American Fisheries Society (GA-AFS), for inviting us. Thanks to Gordon Rogers, Flint Riverkeeper, for rounding up the usual suspects. Thanks to all the Riverkeepers for speaking.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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