Florida Algal Bloom Maps 2019-06-01

What’s this about cyanobacteria blooms in Florida?

Florida, Maps

It’s a big problem, although no so much in the Suwannee River Basin. However, there is a yellow-green (not cyanobacteria) bloom at Manatee Spring Run on the lower Suwannee River.

Suwannee River Basin, Maps

FDEP provides Weekly Updates and Subscription to Algal Bloom Monitoring, including maps in Algal Bloom Sampling Status, from which these maps come.

Here’s the detail on the one algal bloom in the Suwannee River Basin.

Manatee Spring Run
Site Visit Date and Time5/22/2019, 12:50 PM
Sample LocationManatee Spring Run
Site Visited ByDEP-TLH ROC
Algal Bloom Observed?Yes
Sample Taken?Yes
Sample Depth DescriptionSurface grab
Sample Depth (meters)0.30
Analyzed ByDEP
Other Lab name
Algal IDDominant taxon: Vaucheria sp.
Total Microcystin Toxin (micrograms/L)not detected
Other Toxin (micrograms/L)Anatoxin-a: not detected; Cylindrospermopsin: not detected; Saxitoxin: not detected
EditDate5/24/2019, 5:37 PM
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Edited on 5/24/19 at 5:37 PM
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Freshwater bloom: Contact DEP: 855-305-3509

DEP (Freshwater Bloom), Contact:

Saltwater bloom: Contact FWC: 800-636-0511 (fish kills)
888-404-3922 (wildlife Alert)

FWC (Saltwater Bloom), Contact:

Human Illness: Florida Poison Control Center: 800-222-1222

Other Public Health Concners: Contact DOH: (DOH county office)

DOH (Public Health), Contact:

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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