Update 2019-09-07: Link to signup.
Volunteers for testing, you can get trained at this chemical and Bacteriological water testing training for Georgia Adopt-A-Stream standards by our local trainers. Already-trained trainers, here’s your chance to get a refresher to extend your certification for another year.
Yes, we can test in Florida and put the results in the Georgia Adopt-A-Stream database. For results to be actionable in Florida does require additional Florida training.
When: 9AM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Where: SGRC, 327 W Savannah Ave., Valdosta, GA 31601
Photo: John S. Quarterman, Julie Shutters, rope, Bobby McKenzie, bucket, Onemile Branch in Drexel Park, Valdosta, GA, 2018-09-16
If you want to get trained, please sign up so we will know how many are coming.
Please be prepared to start testing regularly after you are trained.
Thanks to Julie Shutters of Golden Triangle RC&D for previous trainings. Since we got local trainers trained back in May, they will be conducting this training: Gretchen Quarterman of WWALS, Erica McLelland of SGRC, and maybe Heather Brasell of the Gaskins Forest Education Center.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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