Two reappointed to SRWMD so quorum for Wednesday Budget Public Hearing 2019-09-18

Sudden quorum for Budget Public Hearing, Pilgrim’s Pride withdrawal as Renewal rather than Modification, and Nestlé still not on the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) agenda for this Wednesday afternoon at 3PM. But don’t let that stop you from asking SRWMD to deny Nestlé’s application for more water from Ginnie Springs on the Santa Fe River, and to revisit Nestlé’s withdrawal permit from Madison Blue Spring on the Withlacoochee River.

[Apparently two have been reappointed]
Apparently two have been reappointed

Apparently the Florida Governor has reappointed two SRWMD board members, Charles Keith and Richard Schwab, since they show up again on the SRWMD Current Governing Board Members web page.

I don’t know whether they were reappointed to the same slots or not, since there was no announcement that I have found. Charles Keith was At Large and Richard Schwab was Coastal River Basin.

So they’re back up to six of nine, from the four of nine they had last week.

So apparently they have a quorum for their 3PM Wednesday, September 18, meeting, and 5:05PM Budget Public Hearing. On their agenda is

3. Election of Board Officers and Committee Assignments

Seems like they need to do that, since the only officer currently listed is Virginia H. Johns, Chair. Alphonas Alexander was Vice Chair, until he got Rescinded. Charles Schwab used to be Secretary/Treasurer, but not anymore, even though apparently he has been Timed Out and Reappointed.

Also this agenda has been updated to show the Pilgrim’s Pride water withdrawal permit as a Renewal instead of a Modification, nevermind it involves several new wells, at least one closer to a huge sinkhole just east of the subject property.

The Budget Public Hearing, is about adopting a rolled-back millage rate of 0.3840 mils, and a budget of $65,560,980, both for fiscal year 2019-2020.

The Final Public Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget for the Suwannee River Water Management District is September 24, 2019 at 5:05p.m. at District Headquarters.

The Budget Public Hearing packet includes some useful summaries, pictured below.

[Program Highlights]
Program Highlights

[Budget Summary]
Budget Summary

[by Fund]
by Fund

[Special Revenue Funds]
Special Revenue Funds

All these SRWMD updates are on the WWALS website.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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