Bring boat wheels and be ready for a half-mile portage around Big Shoals in the WWALS outing tomorrow.
Portage Now, Big Shoals, Beach eddy, Banner at beach below shoals
That’s the conclusion from the Friday scouting organized by Park Manager Manny Perez and Randy Madison of Florida Trails, in conjunction with WWALS Intern Bobby McKenzie and Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman. Park Ranger Peter Shanks led Randy, Bobby, and me to three possible put-ins below BIG Shoals. The third one is best, with a nice slope to a beach.
We are all for reasonable accommodation per our WWALS nondiscrimination policy, which in this case means you’ll need to be able to climb up at the take-out before the shoals, pull your boat for a half mile, including dragging it over a couple of rough spots, and slide it back into the water at the beach put-in. We can help, but you’ll need to do most of the work, because we’ll be pulling our own boats.
Click on any of the small pictures below to see a bigger one. There’s also a google map of the locations of these pictures.
Big Shoals
Warning for your Safety Portage Now; Hazardous R a p i d s Ahead, 14:06:09, 30.3409649, -82.6819395
White Water
Foaming water, trees, palmettos, 14:09:57, 30.3399044, -82.6828200
First put-in
Could cut some steps in those rocks, 14:11:57, 30.3394092, -82.6831105
Steep put-in, 14:11:37, 30.3398377, -82.6828661
Maybe go on down that road, 14:11:42, 30.3398377, -82.6828661
Second put-in
Another put-in, 14:15:21, 30.3383741, -82.6836508
Somewhat dubious, 14:15:25, 30.3383741, -82.6836508
Little gully, 14:18:29, 30.3384266, -82.6831453
Climbing up, 14:18:31, 30.3384266, -82.6831453
White water, 14:19:25, 30.3381380, -82.6834810
Bobby McKenzie and foaming water, 14:19:31, 30.3381376, -82.6834810
Beach put-in
This is better, 14:20:40, 30.3376013, -82.6837936
White water up around that bend, 14:21:16, 30.3376010, -82.6837940
Eddy at beach, 14:21:21, 30.3376013, -82.6837936
Two gators, 14:24:16, 30.3375250, -82.6839240
WWALS intern Bobby McKenzie, Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman, Randy Madison of Florida Trails, Peter Shanks of Florida Parks, 14:29:42, 30.3376397, -82.6843837
Easier road
Let’s go back this way, 14:37:55, 30.3375242, -82.6839541
Peter Shanks at the gully, 14:42:59, 30.3378322, -82.6827372
Google map
Follow this link for a google map of the pictured locations, or it’s also embedded below.
This map is on top of a copy of the WWALS map of the Suwannee River Wilderness Trail.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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