Update 2022-01-28: Clean Rivers 2022-01-27.
I’d avoid the Withlacoochee River this weekend.
Bad E. coli levels upstream seen by Valdosta earlier in the week
were still seen by WWALS upstream and down in Thursday samples.
A too-high result at Hagan Bridge is heading downstream through Lowndes and Brooks Counties, Georgia.
A too-high result at Knights Ferry is heading downstream to Florida.
The good news is no sewage spills have been reported this week.
But it’s been raining yesterday and today,
most likely washing more cattle and other manure into the river,
down Okapilco Creek and from elsewhere.
If you want to paddle this weekend, I’d recommend the Alapaha River
or upstream on the Suwannee River.
Chart, River, Plates, Swim Guide
Valdosta’s downstream results for Monday and upstream for Wednesday
were even worse than what WWALS got for Thursday.
We don’t know about upstream Monday because Valdosta took a vacation.
We don’t know about downstream Wednesday because Valdosta’s downstream contractor
apparently hasn’t phoned home yet. Continue reading →