Update 2022-07-15: Withlacoochee River OK, Cat Creek bad 2022-07-14.
According to ten WWALS Thursday test sites on five rivers, and Madison Health lifting their Withlacoochee River Health Advisory, five rivers tested clean Thursday.
There was substantial rain yesterday, but since previous rains probably washed off the worst stuff, most likely there won’t be much effect on the rivers.
Happy boating, swimming, and fishing this weekend!
The most recent Valdosta data on the city’s web page is still Monday, July 4th upstream and Friday, July 1st downstream.
The most recent Florida data in the location indicated in the FDOH alert lifting notice was posted Tuesday, July 5th, for three FDEP sample locations on Thursday June 30th. That and Madison Health lifted their Withlacoochee River Health Advisory.
Withlacoochee River Lift 2022-07-08
GA-EPD updated Valdosta’s spill report on July 6th to have Overflow Location from “TBD” to “Gornto Lift Station- 2412 Gornto Rd” after I sent that location to EPD. On Thursday, July 7th EPD updated Waterway Impacted from “unknown” to “Withlacoochee River”, which I had also sent them.
So it took an entire week just to get the spill report completed in GA-EPD’s Sewage Spills Report.
All Rivers Clean, Charts 2022-07-07
For context and the entire WWALS composite spreadsheet of water quality results, rainfall, and sewage spills, see:
Thanks to Elizabeth Brunner for her three GA 122 sites: Folsom Bridge on the Little River, Hagan Bridge on the Withlacoochee River, and Lakeland Boat Ramp on the Alapaha River.
Thanks to Jacob and Michael Bachrach for their three Withlacoochee River sites: Knights Ferry, Nankin, and State Line Boat Ramps.
Thanks to Gus Cleary for Cleary Bluff, between Allen Ramp and the Withlacoochee River Confluence.
Thanks to Pam Dicker and the TREPO crew, Pam Thomas and Clare Davis, for their three Ichetucknee and Santa Fe River sites.
Thanks to WWALS Testing Committee Chair Suzy Hall for herding the testing cats.
I’ve set every WWALS “beach” for which we have recent test results to green in
Map: All Rivers Clean, Swim Guide 2022-07-07
There are more pictures on the WWALS website: https://wwals.net/pictures/2022-07-07–wq
Thanks to Joe Brownlee and Georgia Power for a generous grant for water quality testing equipment and materials.
You or your organization could also donate to the WWALS volunteer water quality testing program.
Or maybe you’d like to become a WWALS water quality tester; please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/DzWvJuXqTQi12N6v7
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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