Update 2022-10-04: WWALS response to FERC on opposition comments of Pivotal LNG about small, inland LNG Rulemaking 2022-10-04.
Here’s how you can comment or intervene on the FERC Rulemaking on small inland LNG export facilities:
It’s easy to comment or intervene, so you can do it by the deadline of September 20, 2022. Public Citizen and Food and Water Watch have already intervened. We guess they are preparing comments to convince the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to resume the responsibility it abdicated in 2015, of environmental oversight of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) export facilities even when are not located where they can directly load LNG onto ocean-going tanker ships. Instead, those inland facilities send highly compressed and explosive LNG in trucks and train cars down public highways past schools, business, churches, and homes, through counties none of which have adequate emergency plans. And where-ever that gas eventually gets burned, in Europe, Caribbean, or Asia, it adds to the atmosphere more methane, a worse greenhouse gas than CO2, cooking the planet and raising sea levels. You are affected, even if you do not have an LNG export operation near you.
LNG tanker truck on I-75 turning onto I-10 for Jacksonville, LNG export map by WWALS
If you comment or intervene, we will invite you to join us and our co-signers in the series of zoom meetings we’re having with the FERC Office of Public Participation (OPP). You can help find out what OPP is actually doing. At least they’re asking for experiences of people who have tried to work with FERC.
If you need ideas, look at the Petition by WWALS, et al.,
that started this Rulemaking:
Or look at Cecile Scofield’s extensive comments:
If that’s not enough, look at all the time and effort spent by WWALS, Food and Water Watch, and others tracking down the ghost company Strom LNG, which for years filed reports with the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy (DoE FE) claiming it had permission to export through Port Tampa Bay. Well, it didn’t, and it lacked a bunch of other things it claimed. FERC oversight would have brought most of that to light long ago.
Or look at Public Citizen’s comments on FERC Docket CP21-179 about Nopetro LNG’s intended export from Port St. Joe, Florida.
Thanks to our co-signers on the Petition: Three Rivers Waterkeeper (“Improving the quality and health of the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers”); Lumber Riverkeeper of Winyah Rivers Alliance, North Carolina; LEAD Agency, Inc. of Oklahoma; Kissimmee Waterkeeper of central Florida; Center for a Sustainable Coast (Georgia); and Our Santa Fe River (Florida), as well as thanks to intervenors Public Citizen and Food and Water Watch. Special thanks to Cecile Scofield sine qua non.
We will be expanding our map to add inland LNG operations in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, which are mentioned in this petition, plus the Nopetro Port St. Joe operation.
Map: by WWALS, from federal and state filings of LNG export operations.
If you know of more such problem LNG operations, please let us know.
And please comment by September 20th:
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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Pingback: FERC must close regulatory gaps in small-scale inland LNG export facilities –Cecile Scofield 2022-08-11 | WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS) is Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
Pingback: FERC Requests Comments on Rulemaking for small inland LNG export facilities | WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS) is Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®