Pictures: sites of Morven Solar 2023-01-18

Update 2023-01-21: Report: Conditions wanted on Morven Solar by Brooks County Planning Commission 2023-01-20.

To help visualize what Morven Solar is proposing tonight at the Brooks County Planning Commission, yesterday I took a few pictures.

They include the pecan trees to be cleared for the project that county (SGRC) staff pointed out were not included in the tree survey, as well as the planted pines that were included, and some natural trees that are to be kept as a buffer.

Most of the project is on current center pivot irrigation cotton fields, with the agricultural pesticides that implies.

Which raises one of several questions: will the solar project also use pesticides, or will it adopt another method, such as sheep or goats?

[Parts of the Morven Solar project sites 2023-01-18]
Parts of the Morven Solar project sites 2023-01-18

This is the layout of the project:

[Morven Site Plan]
Morven Site Plan

Lawson Pond Road

[Bridge over overflow, 17:19:01, 30.9626327, -83.4541188]
Bridge over overflow, 17:19:01, 30.9626327, -83.4541188

[Power line looking south, 17:22:32, 30.9595400, -83.4556230]
Power line looking south, 17:22:32, 30.9595400, -83.4556230

This is the tree survey.

[Tree Survey w. tree cleared areas]
Tree Survey w. tree cleared areas


[Field road into planted pines to be cleared for project, NE corner of site, Howard I. Lawson, 17:20:50, 30.9600595, -83.4554060]
Field road into planted pines to be cleared for project, NE corner of site, Howard I. Lawson, 17:20:50, 30.9600595, -83.4554060


[Power line looking south, 17:22:32, 30.9595400, -83.4556230]
Power line looking south, 17:22:32, 30.9595400, -83.4556230


[Pecan trees between power line and Guess Road, all to be cleared for solar panels, Howard I. Lawson, 17:23:25, 30.9571866, -83.4572903]
Pecan trees between power line and Guess Road, all to be cleared for solar panels, Howard I. Lawson, 17:23:25, 30.9571866, -83.4572903


[Cotton field at Guess Road, in project, Howard I. Lawson, 17:25:41, 30.9560641, -83.4599586]
Cotton field at Guess Road


[Slaughter Creek at Guess Road, 17:31:55, 30.9725522, -83.4758548]
Slaughter Creek at Guess Road, 17:31:55, 30.9725522, -83.4758548


[Peach Road sign at Guess Road, 17:34:06, 30.9726555, -83.4827012]
Peach Road sign at Guess Road, 17:34:06, 30.9726555, -83.4827012


[Slaughter Creek, upstream at Peach Road, 17:38:44, 30.9670096, -83.4831693]
Slaughter Creek, upstream at Peach Road, 17:38:44, 30.9670096, -83.4831693


[Drainage ditch, upstream, feeding Slaughter Creek at Peach Road, 17:39:41, 30.9647813, -83.4827892]
Drainage ditch, upstream, feeding Slaughter Creek at Peach Road, 17:39:41, 30.9647813, -83.4827892


[Pike Branch, downstream, Peach Road, 17:41:07, 30.9584512, -83.4831753]
Pike Branch, downstream, Peach Road, 17:41:07, 30.9584512, -83.4831753


[Planted pines, east of Peach Road, to be cleared for project, Alvin Jerry Sapp, and beyond C&M Land Holdings, 17:42:31, 30.9537151, -83.4833270]
Planted pines, east of Peach Road, to be cleared for project, Alvin Jerry Sapp, and beyond C&M Land Holdings, 17:42:31, 30.9537151, -83.4833270


[Lawson Peach Shed, Howard I. Lawson, 17:47:27, 30.9447140, -83.4951030]
Lawson Peach Shed, Howard I. Lawson, 17:47:27, 30.9447140, -83.4951030


[Peach trees, GA 133, south of Lawson Pond Road, not part of project, 17:48:25, 30.9406830, -83.4896110]
Peach trees, GA 133, south of Lawson Pond Road, not part of project, 17:48:25, 30.9406830, -83.4896110


[Cotton field, east of GA133, in project, C&M Land Holdings, 17:49:24, 30.9364300, -83.4849860]
Cotton field, east of GA133


[Save our farm land, say not to solar panels, sign on Van F. Murphy property, west of GA 133, 17:51:29, 30.9358730, -83.4856480]
Save our farm land, say not to solar panels, sign on Van F. Murphy property, west of GA 133, 17:51:29, 30.9358730, -83.4856480


[Dirt road north from Lawson Pond Road to Sapp & C&M Land Holdings project fields, 17:58:42, 30.9435622, -83.4805046]
Dirt road north from Lawson Pond Road to Sapp & C&M Land Holdings project fields, 17:58:42, 30.9435622, -83.4805046


[Corinth Cemetery, 18:03:08, 30.9453445, -83.4639602]
Corinth Cemetery, 18:03:08, 30.9453445, -83.4639602


[Lawson Mill Pond Dam, 18:03:43, 30.9453445, -83.4639602]
Lawson Mill Pond Dam, 18:03:43, 30.9453445, -83.4639602


[Slaughter Creek below Lawson Mill Pond, 18:03:58, 30.9453445, -83.4639602]
Slaughter Creek below Lawson Mill Pond, 18:03:58, 30.9453445, -83.4639602


[Existing vegetation to be kept for buffer, Lawson Pond Road, Howard I. Lawson, 18:05:01, 30.9524756, -83.4595927]
Existing vegetation to be kept for buffer, Lawson Pond Road, Howard I. Lawson, 18:05:01, 30.9524756, -83.4595927


[Cotton field in project, Lawson Pond Road s. of Guess Road, Howard I. Lawson, 18:05:04, 30.9524756, -83.4595927]
Cotton field in project, Lawson Pond Road s. of Guess Road, Howard I. Lawson, 18:05:04, 30.9524756, -83.4595927

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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One thought on “Pictures: sites of Morven Solar 2023-01-18

  1. Pingback: Agenda: One item, Morven Solar @ Brooks County Planning Commission 2023-01-19 | WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS) is Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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