Update 2023-03-14: Again rescheduled: Suwannee River Chainsaw Cleanup 2023-06-10.
Update 2023-02-15: Rescheduled: Suwannee River Chainsaw Cleanup 2023-03-19.
Update 2023-01-27: Rescheduled: Suwannee River Chainsaw Cleanup 2023-02-19.
You do not have to use a saw to join us as we clear three or four more deadfalls on the last five Suwannee River miles down to Fargo.
Chainsaw in canoe –Shirley Kokidko 2022-12-29
Thanks to Adam Schock of the Conservation Fund for permission to use Three Steps Landing. That will make this one a lot easier than last time.
When: Gather 9 AM, launch 10 AM, end 4 PM, Saturday, January 28, 2023 Continue reading