Hahira, Georgia, February 19, 2025 — Back again on the first Saturday in September, it’s the WWALS River Revue, at the Turner Center for the Arts in Valdosta, Georgia. Featuring food and drink, speakers and new songs about waterways in the Suwannee River Basin. Plus a silent auction and plaques and prizes for the songwriting winners.
WWALS President Sara Jay Jones said, “it will be even more fun this year!”
There will be food and drink while you listen to speakers about the Suwannee River Basin.
You can bid on items in the silent auction.
Tickets are $65 each.https://app.betterunite.com/WWALS-wwalsriverrevue2025
For how to sponsor or provide an item for the silent auction, follow the QRcode or go to wwals.net and scroll down to WWALS River Revue.
WWALS Board member Scotti Jay Jones said, “Don’t forget the music!”
A headliner will play, followed by finalists in the Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest. Song submissions will open April First (no fooling). Three judges will decide who wins in several categories of songs about waterways in the Basin or Estuary.
Organizing Committee member Janet Martin said, “Maybe you’d like to join the organizing committee!”
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