WWALS February board meeting

Board meetings are open to the public. Board members are listed on the website.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Board of Directors
7:30 PM 12 February 2014
by teleconference
Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1212
Meeting ID: 974-054-025
  1. Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions
  2. Speaker: No speaker scheduled
  3. Agenda Review: Additions and Changes
  4. Review and Approval of Minutes
    1. 13 November 2013 Board meeting minutes
    2. 8 January 2014 Board meeting minutes
  5. Future Meetings and Events
    1. Monthly board meeting 12 March 2014 (second Wednesday): speaker? by teleconference?
    2. Monthly outing February (fourth Saturday): February 22 – location?
      Feb. outing: Willacoochee ( Bret to arrange)
    3. Withlacoochee Cleanup with Johnson Dist. Co. 1 March 2014 at Langdale Park on the Withlacoochee River in Valdosta, per email vote by GG,CG,GQ,BW,JQ. Make this the Feb outing?
    4. March outing: 22 March 2014 Big Little River paddle race on Little River. Event start: 11:00 am ( a little later than last year) BW
    5. April outing on the 26 April 2014, on the Withlacoochee River with Adopt-a-Stream: GQ to inform Adopt-a-Stream
    6. May rookery on Lewis Lake. Date? BW
  6. Finances
    1. Starting/Ending balance for November and December – Gretchen Quarterman
    2. Donation Accounting – Gretchen Quarterman
    3. 501(c)(3) status – Dave Hetzel.
    4. Flint Riverkeeper passthrough – John S. Quarterman
  7. Committee Reports
    1. Membership – Garry Gentry – Recruitment
    2. Events – Karan Rawlins
    3. Outings – Bret Wagenhorst
    4. Public Relations – John Quarterman
  8. Review Action Item List
    1. Business and membership cards – Garry Gentry GG,AH suggested Photo cards or t-shirts for WWALS members. GG looking into using social media advertising for targeted recruitment.
    2. Banner and sign — Bret Wagenhorst
    3. Georgia Rivers Network membership — John Quarterman
    4. Correspondence —
      Gretchen – contact Tillman and Tillman to pursue the 501(c)(3).
      Heather – send a Thank You note to Don Thieme for his presentation.
      John – send a Thank You letter to H. Doug Everett for his solar vote.
      Gretchen – request further information from Gordon Rogers about the Panther Forum
    5. Directors and Officers Insurance – John Quarterman
    6. Survey – Heather Brasell and Gretchen Quarterman
    7. Request for information from Army Corps of Engineers – Who owns underground water?
    8. Request for information from DNR – Development laws and regulations related to water
    9. Request for information from Ashley Tye, Lowndes County Emergency Management Director — what is going on and how can WWALS be included. John Quarterman
    10. Ongoing opposition to Sabal Trail methane pipeline. John Quarterman
    11. Waycross about the Seven Out Superfund site JQ
    12. Distribution of list of sites on EPA/EPD lists for counties in our watershed — John Quarterman.
    13. Brochures need to be redone with new board member names and add list of goals/ benefits to brochure. KR
  9. Grants
    1. Community Foundation of South Georgia – John Quarterman
    2. Woodruff Foundation — Karan Rawlins
    3. Others?
  10. Other Business
  11. Adjourn