Board meetings are open to the public.
Board members are listed on
Draft Agenda
WWALS Board of Directors
7:30 PM WednesdayApril 9April 16 2014
by teleconference
- Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions
- Speaker: No speaker.
- Agenda Review: Additions and Changes
- Review and Approval of Minutes
- Past Meetings and Events
- March outing: 22 March 2014 Big Little River paddle race on Little River.
- Georgia River Network Weekend for Rivers 5: 5 April 2014
- Future Meetings and Events
- Monthly board meeting 14 May 2014 (second Wednesday)
At Feb 2014 Board Meeting, Al Browning reported that Allison Ray science teacher at Berrien MS may need help with nature trail at school and perhaps more education of kids. Al to see if she can come speak to WWALS at May mtg.
- April outing on the Withlacoochee River, GA Sierra Club John Muir Outing: Paddle Against the Pipeline. Saturday 7:30AM 19 April 2014 on Withlacoochee River from Old Quitman Road (just south of US 84 in Brooks County) to a takeout on Langdale Co. land in Lowndes County, about half way to Knights Ferry Road. Boat rental probable from Reed Bingham State Park. Logistics in progress by Chris Graham of WWALS, Seth Gunning of GA Sierra Club, and Danielle Jordan of SAVE.
- Earth Day at VSU, 1PM to 4PM, setup 12:30 PM, no charge, bring our own table, chairs, banner, flyers, membership forms, etc., can sell items as a nonprofit. Al and jsq offered to staff. Other volunteers? Vendor application form:
- May 17 outing Lewis Lake rookery. BW with Adopt-A-Stream. 2010 Video by Bret Wagenhorst posted by Joseph LaForest:
- Cleanup on Alapaha near 135 bridge or 168 bridge? –Al Browning
- More discussion on board list –Chris Graham
- EPA controling land utilization through water –Al Browning
(Example: a pond near the town of Brooks, in Fayette County.)- Finances
- Committee Reports
- Membership – Garry Gentry – Recruitment
- Events – Karan Rawlins
- Outings – Bret Wagenhorst
- Public Relations – jsq jsq and Chris posting on FB. Send photos to Chris to post:
- Review Action Item List: Please send reports to the board list before the meeting.
- Business and membership cards – Garry Gentry GG looking into using social media advertising for targeted recruitment.
- Banner good; next: WWALS sign with arrow, email address, double sided – Bret to order.
- Georgia River Network membership — jsq
- Correspondence —
Gretchen – contact Tillman and Tillman to pursue the 501(c)(3).
jsq – send a Thank You note to Don Thieme for his presentation.
John – send a Thank You letter to H. Doug Everett for his solar vote.
Gretchen – Panther Forum: anything happening?- Directors and Officers Insurance: have cancelled IRS check – jsq
- After-event survey for paddle events; to be ready for BLRPE and website – Gretchen Quarterman
- For Army Corps of Engineers – Who owns underground water? -jsq
- Request for information from DNR – Development laws and regulations related to water -jsq
- Gretchen filed complaint to DNR about potential violation of water. To post to board.
- Ask Lowndes County Emergency Management Director Ashley Tye, what is going on and how can WWALS be included. jsq
- Ongoing opposition to Sabal Trail methane pipeline. jsq
- Waycross about the Seven Out Superfund site; post info from GA DNR. jsq
- Distribution of list of sites on EPA/EPD lists for counties in our watershed — jsq.
- Brochures need to be redone with new board member names and add list of goals/ benefits to brochure. DH and KR
- Grants
- Other Business
- Adjourn
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