- Call your Georgia statehouse legislators to support coal ash bills.
- Coal Ash Basics, by U.S. EPA
- Coal Ash Contaminates Our Lives by EarthJustice
- About Coal Ash FAQ by American Coal Ash Association (industry view)
- Coal Waste in America, interactive map by Sierra Club Beyond Coal
- Southeast Coal Ash another interactive map
- Factsheet on Georgia bills about coal ash and maps of disricts and coal ash ponds and landfills by Georgia Water Coalition
- South Georgia state legislators and coal ash bills
- Interactive map of Georgia House and Senate Districts, river basins, and coal ash ponds by Georgia Water Coalition
- from ashes such as these, what can rise? by Janisse Ray
Left behind by a shifting economy, many rural Southern communities face a tough question: Do we take the money from companies that want to store coal ash in our towns, even though toxins could wind up in our groundwater? Or do we just say no? Today, one of the South’s greatest ecology writers, Janisse Ray, takes us to Jesup, Georgia, where it appears the community has decided it no longer wants to be one of big industry’s waste dumps.
- Coal Ash in Landfills in Suwannee River Basin, by John S. Quarterman, Suwannee Riverkeeper
- Videos: Coal Ash meeting in Valdosta @ WWALS 2017-03-01
- Videos: Coal ash at Valdosta City Council and Lowndes County Commission 2017-03-09-14
- Groups want coal ash regulation, Valdosta Daily Times 2017-03-07
- Georgia legislature fails even to require notice on coal ash 2017-03-03
- South Georgia meetings against coal ash in Tifton and Valdosta
- GA coal ash committee might consider more safeguards
Other Groups
- No Ash At All
- Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA-EPD)
Georgia EPD told the Georgia House Environment and Natural Resources Committee (HENR) that the EPD rules adopted last year were sufficient, even though they don’t require public notice. Since this year’s legislative non-action, GA-EPD has put up a Coal Ash Information web page, which says:
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) offers public announcements regarding Coal Ash Pond Dewatering Plans and Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Management Plans. The information will be posted on this web page.
Email Updates
To receive emailed announcements of coal ash-related postings on this web page add your name to the notification list.That web page has a form to enter your email address for updates. It doesn’t have any CCR Management Plans yet, but it does link to two Coal Ash Pond Dewatering Plans, for Georgia Power’s Plants McManus in Glynn County and McDonough-Atkinson in Cobb County.