Update 2025-02-14: Dirty Sugar Creek, clean Withlacoochee and Alapaha Rivers 2025-02-13.
This is the busiest week I can remember in the GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report, yet only one new minor spill was reported in the Suwannee River Basin in Georgia.
No new sewage spills were reported this week in the Basin in Florida.
GA-EPD Sewage Spills Reports, 5 Days ending 2025-02-14
The Pinehurst spill of February 6 was newly reported on February 12, but for reasons given below is not our concern. It was updated the next day with Overflow Locaion of “Spill was located along highway 49 outside the city of Pinehurst. The area affected was a thickly vegetated and wooded area with no nearby homes or businesses.” Today, February 14, it was updated again to remove that Overflow Location, which is unusual.
As the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA-EPD) apparently realized today, Pinehurst is not in the Suwannee River Basin. I could figure out whether it’s in the Flint or Altamaha River Basins, but for three reasons (minor spill, “Did not enter waters of the State”, and not in the Suwannee River Basin), it’s not my problem. It still showed up in the WWALS processing today because we pick up everything in Dooly County since part of that county is in the Suwannee River Basin and we don’t want to miss anything.
The Valdosta January 14 Jackson Street spill was first reported on January 17. Today’s report only adds the cause: “Debris obstruction from trash from local corrections facility.” I’m not sure what corrections facility that would be, but it was still a tiny spill that did not get into Browns Canal or down into Sugar Creek or the Withlacoochee River.
So the winner is Ashburn, with another small 3,000-gallon spill, on January 31, reported February 10, from its Rockhouse Road Lift Station into Hat Creek, which leads to the Alapaha River. The next day GA-EPD updated that report with a cause of “Mechanical Failure”. But today GA-EPD removed the cause entirely, which is odd. Typo, perhaps?
Ashburn really needs to get a grip on its sewage system, especially at that location.
Other than that, this week in GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report is mostly much ado about not much.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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