Update 2022-10-17:
Pictures: Chainsaw Cleanup with pizza, Withlacoochee River 2022-10-16.
Update 2022-08-09: What made them?
Pictures: Tracks, GA 133, Withlacoochee River 2022-07-30.
Everything went exactly as planned for
Chainsaw Cleanup Returns, Withlacoochee River, Valdosta,
if the plans included two trucks getting stuck,
several chainsaws getting stuck,
and the whole thing taking more like ten hours than three,
with no lunch.
Banners, Chainsaws, Trash, River
But we cleared a bunch of deadfalls, collected many bags of trash,
and recorded where the remaining deadfalls and trash are for later expeditions.
That makes this stretch much more paddlable between Sugar Creek and Troupville on the
Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail.
The water level on the Valdosta US 41 gauge was 6.05′ (116.35′ NAVD88).
Thanks to the three new chainsawers, Shawn O’Connor and Grant and Art Herring,
and regulars Bobby McKenzie and Russell Allen McBride.
And thanks to the Good Samaritan who gave me a ride to my truck so I
could use my logging chain to pull Bobby’s truck out at the take-out.
Plus thanks to the two different vehicles that were used to pull my truck out
at the put-in.
Note for next time:
if you add a four-mile river paddle with a slow boat to
chainsawing many deadfalls and the same people picking up many bags of trash,
it takes longer.
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