Tag Archives: Chemical Hazards Project Director

Water filter to remove arsenic and lead

Arsenic --OSHA Wanted to make sure all of you have a Water Filter to remove Arsenic III [arsenic trioxide] and Lead!! Jane Perry, Chemical Hazards Project Director, Ga Dept of Health, has not been allowed to tell Doctors about Arsenic in our drinking water causing Cancer, especially Lung Cancer… Until she is “allowed to”, please share this email and tell others to get proper water filter! Thank You!!

-Janet McMahan

Letter from Jane M. Perry to Janet McMahan

Jane M. Perry From: Jane M Perry <jmperry@dhr.state.ga.us>
To: jmcmahan54@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: update


Also, the drought concentrates the levels of arsenic in groundwater.

The levels of arsenic are high enough to increase the risk of cancer in
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