Tag Archives: clouds

Pictures: Banks Lake Full Corn Moon 2021-09-20

Rain around Valdosta scared away many potential paddlers for the Full Corn Moon, but eleven came to Banks Lake Boat Ramp, where there was no rain. They saw a magenta sunset, a cloudy moonrise, and bats.

[banners, sunset, moonrise, bats]
banners, sunset, moonrise, bats

Thanks to expedition leader Bobby McKenzie for organizing. Thanks to Helen Crowley for pictures on the water (I was on dog duty).

There are more pictures on the WWALS website:

See also pictures on facebook by Helen Crowley and probably many others.

Thanks to the Lakeland-Lanier Chamber of Commerce for Continue reading

Rained out: Banks Lake Outing cancelled 2015-08-29

Expedition leader Chris Mericle conferred with John at Banks Lake Outdoors, Intellicast: South Georgia and they agree nobody wants boaters on Banks Lake in a thunderstorm, so tonight’s outing is cancelled. You probably figured that out already anyway, what with rain for an hour or more now and a 70% chance of thundersshowers at 7PM.

Chris would like to reschedule for Continue reading