Expedition leader Chris Mericle conferred with John at Banks Lake Outdoors,
and they agree nobody wants boaters on Banks Lake in a thunderstorm,
tonight’s outing is cancelled.
You probably figured that out already anyway, what with
rain for an hour or more now and a 70% chance of thundersshowers at 7PM.
Chris would like to reschedule for Saturday, January 23, 2016. What do people think about that?
Photo: Gregory H. Revera, CC attribution.
The full moons for the rest of 2015 fall on week days or other big holidays. It will probably be cold in January, but a winter outing on Banks Lake actually is less risky than on a river. If you get wet on a river run, you could have hours before you can dry off and get warm. On the lake, you can just paddle back in pretty quick, plus there’s no current or rapids to cause capsizing.
So, how about a midwinter full moon paddle on Banks Lake Saturday, January 23rd, 2016? Bring bon-bons!
NWS Tallahassee composite
Tropical Storm Erika may be just a low pressure area over Cuba now,
as shown in this map from Intellicast (also source for weather map above),
but she’s sending lots of rain up here.
NWS Tallahassee storm precipitation
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