Daily Archives: August 5, 2015

Monticello, FL bans fracking

Passed a resolution, actually, but that contributes towards an ordinance or a statewide ban on fracking in Florida.

Our Santa Fe River, 4 August 2015, Sometimes You Win One!

Members of the Floridians Against Fracking Anti-Fracking Coalition and other supporters and friends celebrated tonight when the Monticello City Council voted unanimously to support a ban on fracking by resolution. Multiple members from OSFR were present and addressed the Council.

Today, August 4, 2015 was an important date for Continue reading

Please Act Now against the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline proposal

This went out yesterday to WWALS members.


Please take immediate action, today, to tell Governor Nathan Deal’s office that you oppose the siting of Spectra Energy’s Sabal Trail “natural” gas pipeline through the Withlacoochee River watershed. Call 404-656-1776 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. and tell the staffer that answers, “I am opposed to routing the Sabal Trail pipeline through the Withlacoochee River watershed; I urge Governor Deal to do everything in his power to stop this project”.

Also please sign this petition Continue reading

Outings, Upper Suwannee, Water Trails, Water Council, and against Fracking and Sabal Trail pipeline –August 2015 WWALS Newsletter

Sunday the Membership Committee sent this message to WWALS members:

300x225 The Rocks, Alapaha River, 2015-07-11, in August 2015 WWALS Newsletter, by WWALS Membership Committee, for WWALS.net, 0 August 2015 Hello WWALS Members,

It’s been a busy month here in South Georgia and North Florida. This newsletter has updates on our Waterkeeper® Affiliate area, educational events, outings and water trails. Looking forward to Continue reading

WWALS joins Floridians Against Fracking

Per unanimous vote of the WWALS Board, WWALS has joined Floridians Against Fracking:

The goal of the coalition is a ban on fracking in Florida. To that end, we support state, and local efforts to ban fracking.


Fracking and drilling associated with fracking for oil and natural gas poses a direct and immediate threat to the drinking water, air, food, health, wildlife, climate, and economy of communities across Florida….

What are the tenets of the coalition?

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