Tag Archives: Cypress Creek South Launch

Pictures: Cypress Creek South (CR 6) to Cone Bridge, Suwannee River 2019-05-04

We saw many creeks, a few birds, some karst caves, many sandy beaches, and a deadfall, on the Suwannee River from CR 6 to Cone Bridge Ramp, Saturday, May 4, 2019. We started in Hamilton County, Florida, and ended up in Columbia County.

[Cypress Creek South (CR 6) to Cone Bridge, 2019-05-04, Creeks, karst, and a deadfall on the Suwannee River]
Cypress Creek South (CR 6) to Cone Bridge, 2019-05-04, Creeks, karst, and a deadfall on the Suwannee River

Thanks to Shirley Kokidko for leading this expedition, and to everyone else who paddled.

The river was at about 51.26 NAVD88 on the White Springs gauge.

There are more pictures below. Continue reading

Roline to Hunter Creek, Suwannee River 2022-09-17

New route: Roline Boat Ramp to Hunter Creek Launch, Suwannee River, Hamilton County, Florida. Join us for this sunny five-hour paddle on the world-famous Suwannee River, led by Practicing Geologist Dennis Price.

Dennis has moved us upstream, due to our previous put-in being closed due to high water. The new route goes by the lally column remains of Turner Bridge.

[Roline to Hunter Creek, Suwannee River]
Roline to Hunter Creek, Suwannee River

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Video: Turner Bridge to FL 6, Suwannee River 2021-12-16

Here’s a video of the mid-December 2021 Ken Sulak Suwannee River paddle, the part from Turner Bridge to Cypress Creek South Launch at FL 6.

FL 6 bridge, Suwannee River 2021-12-16

The images are ten seconds apart. You can see Mike Byerly’s canoe parked over one of the Lally columns of Turner Bridge in the river. You can see Ken Sulak drop a magnet to confirm that it is metal. Continue reading