Tag Archives: Dean Poling

Nell Patten Roquemore to be honored tonight in Valdosta by Scouts 2016-09 -20

A chance to see a living legend from Lakeland honored tonight in Valdosta.

Book cover Dean Poling, VDT, 18 September 2016, Scouts honor Roquemore

VALDOSTA — Nell Patten Roquemore has written two books on Lakeland and Lanier County history.

She spearheaded the project of murals being located throughout her native Lakeland.

And Roquemore has been designated as the first woman to receive the prestigious Distinguished Citizen’s Award given by the Boy Scouts of America South Georgia Council.

Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue is scheduled to speak in her honor Tuesday during the award banquet, according to organizers.

“I am thrilled to be the first woman chosen and I am truly honored by the selection,” Roquemore said in a statement. “There is no finer Continue reading