Tag Archives: Meetings

Pictures: WWALS at A Day in the Woods 2018-04-21

Here are Gretchen Quarterman and Dave Hetzel at Heather Brasell’s annual A Day in the Woods at the Gaskins Forest Education Center near Alapaha, Berrien County, Georgia.

Gretchen Quarterman, Volunteers

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WWALS at A Day in the Woods 2018-04-21

At Heather Brasell’s annual outdoor event at the Gaskins Forest Education Center, WWALS will have a table as usual, thanks to WWALS Ambassador Dave Hetzel.

When: 1PM-5PM Saturday, April 21, 2018

Where: Gaskins Forest Education Center
3359 Moore Sawmill Rd., Alapaha

What: A Day in the Woods:
FREE Community Event Activities for all the family

Event: facebook, meetup

Photo: WG Bailey of Dave Hetzel at WWALS table, 2015-04-18.

The GFEC backs up to several miles of the Alapaha River on the Alapaha River Water Trail, and is itself an excellent example of native longleaf and riparian forest.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

WWALS and Satilla Riverkeeper in Perry, GA

Us south Georgia watershed groups have to stick together!

Pictured are Satilla Riverkeeper Ashby Nix, WWALS Watershed Coalition: President John S. Quarterman, Treasurer Gretchen Quarterman, Ambassador Dave Hetzel, in Perry, Georgia, 21 August 2014.

Thanks to workshop presenter Loren Moore Continue reading

June WWALS Board meeting by teleconference 7:30 PM 11 June 2014

Board meetings are open to the public.

Draft Agenda (revised to add GWC, June outing, signs, IRS status, and Waycross Adopt-A-Stream, and to fix time of day.
WWALS Board of Directors
7:30 PM Wednesday June 11 2014
by teleconference
Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1212
Meeting ID: 974-054-025

Board members are listed in www.wwals.net: Continue reading

Draft Agenda for WWALS March 2014 board meeting

Board meetings are open to the public. Board members are listed on the website.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Board of Directors
7:30 PM Wednesday 12 March 2014
IHOP, Adel, GA
  1. Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions
  2. Speaker, 20 minutes: Charles Stines about his experience on our region’s rivers.
  3. Agenda Review: Additions and Changes
  4. Review and Approval of Minutes
    1. 12 February 2014 Board meeting minutes
  5. Past Meetings and Events
    1. Monthly outing February (fourth Saturday): February 22 – location? Cancelled due to all rivers too high.
  6. Future Meetings and Events Continue reading

Draft Agenda for WWALS March 2014 board meeting

Board meetings are open to the public. Board members are listed on the website.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Board of Directors
7:30 PM Thursday 13 March 2014
IHOP, Adel, GA if speaker, else by teleconference
  1. Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions
  2. Speaker, 20 minutes: Charles Stines about his experience on our region’s rivers.
  3. Agenda Review: Continue reading