Election of Board Members and Officers, Annual Member and Quarterly Board agendas 2016-07-13

Two meetings back to back, starting 7PM Wednesday July 13th at the IHOP in Adel:

  1. WWALS Annual Member Meeting with annual report and election of board members. Several board slots are open, so if you want to be nominated, fill in the application form.
  2. WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting, with annual election of officers.

The draft agendas are below.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Annual Meeting
7:00 PM Wednesday 13 July 2016
IHOP, Adel, GA

WWALS members can vote in this annual meeting, and the public is invited to observe.

Board members are listed in www.wwals.net/board.

  1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Introductions
  2. Presentation of Annual report
  3. Report of Nominating Committee about board candidates
  4. Nomination for Board Members

    Three terms are expiring, and a few others are vacant, so if you want to run for the WWALS board, this is a good time, especially if you live in the Withlacoochee or Little River watersheds, especially in Georgia, or in Florida, especially in the upper Suwannee River watershed.

    A nomination form for board and committees, along with bios of current board members, is here: /about/board/.

  5. Election of Board Positions to fill 3 year terms
  6. All board members sign Bylaws, Conflict of Interest Policy, and Whistleblower Policy

    Bylaws: /wp-content/themes/pianoblack/img//2014/06/FINAL_WWALS_By-laws_06_12_2012.pdf

    Conflict of Interest Policy: /about/documents/conflict-interest-policy/

    Whistleblower Policy: /about/documents/wwals-employee-protection-whistleblower-policy/

    The board may enact other policies. For example, WWALS is a distributed organization which cannot conduct business solely through in-person meetings, so participation in the online board email list and is mandatory for board members.

  7. Other Business
  8. Adjourn

Draft Agenda
WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
After annual WWALS Membership Meeting, 7:30 PM Wednesday 13 July 2016
IHOP, 1200 W 4th St, Adel, GA 31620

All WWALS Board Members are expected to attend in person or by telephone.
The more done on the board list, the less time we’ll have to spend on them in this meeting.

All WWALS members, especially committee members, are invited to attend, as is the general public.

Board Members (may change due to annual membership meeting immediately preceding, and officers may change due to officer election in this board meeting):

* Executive Committee; M Membership Committee
  1. Call to Order
  2. Secretary
    1. Agenda Review: Additions and Changes
    2. Approve Minutes
      1. 13 April 2016 WWALS Board meeting
      2. 12 June 2016 Special Called WWALS Board Meeting about Strategy
    3. Election of Officers
      1. Report of Nominating Committee
      2. Further nominations
      3. Discussion and vote.
    4. Deletion of Term Limits from WWALS Bylaws
      1. Current rule in WWALS Bylaws, Article V Section 3 is two consecutive full 3-year terms.
      2. This proposed change has been duly announced according to Bylaws “ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENT The Bylaws of the Corporation may be altered, amended or added to by a majority of the Trustees present and voting therefore at a meeting of the Board of Trustees with respect to which notice of such purpose has been given.”
      3. Discussion and vote.
    5. Next Meetings:
      1. 17 July 2016 Special Called WWALS Board Meeting about Strategy
      2. 12 October 2016 WWALS Quarterly Board meeting
  3. Treasurer
  4. President
  5. Acting ED
  6. Committee reports are appended to agenda, with items marked for discussion or vote included directly in the agenda.
  7. Membership Committee: Chair Gretchen Quarterman
  8. Grant-writing Committee: Chair Gretchen Quarterman
  9. Events Committee: Needs a Chair
  10. Outings Committee: Chair Chris Mericle
  11. Public Relations Committee: Chair John S. Quarterman
  12. Watershed Issues Committee: Chair John S. Quarterman
  13. Alapaha River Water Trail Committee: Chair Chris Graham
  14. Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail Committee: Chair Chris Mericle
  15. Other Business
  16. How busy everybody is
  17. Adjourn


Will be available at or before the meeting.
