Update 2017-08-31: More maps are in Issues menu in the Phosphate Mining page.
These are from the mine permit proposal, and are thus public record.
Update 2017-08-31: More maps are in Issues menu in the Phosphate Mining page.
These are from the mine permit proposal, and are thus public record.
This Monday, TV from the much bigger Alachua County to the south covered the water protectors at the Bradford County Commission meeting last Thursday.
Stewardship is a sacred responsibility, not a license to plunder!
Haley Wade, WCJB, 21 August 2017, Protestors Picket Phosphate Mine, Continue reading
The biggest asset any of us, all together, will ever own, is water.
Phosphate mining is complicated, but your choice is not.
Please choose wisely and make your moratorium on phosphate mining permanent.
Sent to Union BOCC this afternoon as PDF along with copy of previous letter to Bradford BOCC.
August 21, 2017
To: James Tallman, Chairman
Union County Board of County Commissioners
15 NE 1st Street, Lake Butler, FL 32054
(386) 496-4241
Scott R. Koons, Executive Director
North Central Florida Regional Planning Council
2009 NW 67th Pl, Gainesville, FL 32653
(352) 955-2200
koons@ncfrpc.orgRe: Phosphate Mine zoning and land use
Continue reading
Update 2017-08-31: More maps and other information in the Phosphate Mining page.
The proposed HPSII phosphate mine on the New River in Bradford and Union Counties, Florida, features in Dave Wilson’s talk from April. HPSII would be upstream from the Santa Fe River, and thus upstream from the Suwannee River.
WWALS Watershed Coalition opposes the HPSII phosphate mine. We see no benefit in Union and Bradford Counties suffering effects such as those outlined in Dave Wilson’s slides, and looking like Hamilton County in these aerials: Continue reading