Everyone is invited to two meetings Wednesday evening July 8th,
both at IHOP, 1200 W 4th St, Adel, GA 31620, (229) 896-2662.
- At 7PM, the Annual Member Meeting (Agenda) with the Annual Report and election of board members. There are two open slots, and you can still apply. All WWALS members who attend can vote for board members.
- At 7:30 PM, the Quarterly Board Meeting (Agenda) with the annual election of officers, plus Committee Chair and member appointments, this time with missions for each Committee, including the new Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail Committee. We’ll be tuning and explaining the WWALS Mission, celebrating becoming a WATERKEEPER® Affiliate, and talking about outings, events, speakers, native and invasive species, wastewater, pipelines, fracking, and many related topics.
You can help support WWALS by becoming a member today. To be on the board or a committee, you must be a member of WWALS.