Ask Congress to have GAO investigate FERC

It’s time to throw a spotlight on FERC’s favoratism. Maya K. van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, who has been fighting pipeline projects for years, asks all of us to sign a petition to ask two Senators to get the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to “conduct an official investigation into the operations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”).”.

Or ask your member of the House of Representatives to do something about FERC. Sanford Bishop GA-02 and three other Georgia Congressmen already have complained to FERC’s Commissioners about FERC and Sabal Trail’s invasion of southwest Georgia. You can ask them to escalate to the GAO or to a Congressional Committee. And what about Austin Scott GA-08 representing Colquitt, Brooks, and Lowndes Counties Georgia? Or Ted Yoho FL-03, representing the entire Suwannee River basin in Florida? What about the rest of the Congress members along the pipeline path in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia, or any other members of Congress for that matter? Florida, Georgia, and Alabama each have two Senators. You can ask them to represent their citizens against this invading pipeline boondoggle.

As the petition says, and as we have all seen demonstrated,

FERC is demonstrably biased towards the pipeline companies it purports to regulate and is misusing legal loopholes and ignoring court orders to advance gas infrastructure projects while preventing the public from exercising their rights to judicial review or fair public participation in the process. License for FERC’s abuse of power and blatant bias is provided by the agency’s funding mechanism which makes it an agency funded 100% by the industry it regulates and is advanced by the revolving employee door that exists between FERC and its regulated community.

I’m tired of telling FERC things it should have already found out for itself, and I signed the petition. Please sign the petition or contact your members of Congress. Better yet, do both!
