See also some
previous pictures
Walk for Water & Speak for the Springs,
which was organized by Our Santa Fe River (OSFR), Sabal Trail Resistance,
and Dylan Hansen.
Below are links to each of the WWALS videos (including the earlier android phone videos), with a few notes, followed by a video playlist.
Pete Ackerman explains it all
Walk for Water
Introducing Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson –Mike Roth, Our Santa Fe River
Video. For Mike Roth and Our Santa Fe River (OSFR), see the OSFR web site.
FDEP shut it down! –Merrileee Malwitz-Jipson, Sierra Club FL
Video. Here are addresses to report violations. And see Merrillee’s contact information for the Fort White Sierra Club office.
Introducing John S. Quarterman –Mike Roth
4 years v Sabal Trail; solar now! –John S. Quarterman, Suwannee Riverkeeper
Video. Follow this link for history of opposition to Sabal Trail and WWALS vs. Sabal Trail & FDEP. And especially see solar power.
Introducing Cecile Scofield –Mike Roth
Video. See the WWALS web page on Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) for more by Cecile Scofield (who is a WWALS member) and others.
LNG bomb trains and trucks –Cecile Scofield of Martin County
Video. See the WWALS web page on Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) for more by Cecile Scofield (who is a WWALS member) and others.
FERC has no quorum with 2 members –Mike Roth
Video. See this WWALS blog post about FERC having no quorum.
Sabal Trail half a mile from our schools –James Huston, Dunnellon Middle School 2017-01-28
Video. See also the viral video James made.
Introducing Robin Koon –Mike Roth
Sabal Trail plowed through my family burial plot –Robin Koon
Video. See also the WWALS video of Robin Koon speaking in Tallahassee earlier that same week.
Introducing Red –Mike Roth
Sabal Trail fight caused a shift in consciousness –Red, Sacred Water Camp
Introducing Pete Ackerman –Mike Roth
The end of the fossil fuel era –Pete Ackerman, Sabal Trai Resistance
Video. See on facebook Sabal Trail Resistance.
School board wouldn’t let me speak: partly funded by Duke –Megan, Dunnellon High School 2017-01-28
Video. Her own school board wouldn’t let her speak on the record because they didn’t want that in their minutes, because they get a lot of funding from Duke Energy, said Dunnellon High School student Megan. See also more about how close Sabal Trail goes to Dunnellon’s schools.
Walk to Withlacoochee (south) River for picture –Pete Ackerman
Sabal Trail south of CR 484, Dunnellon, FL 2017-01-28
Sabal Trail north of CR 484, Dunnellon, FL 2017-01-28
I just went to speak, but I always carry a video camera. Here is the WWALS video playlist.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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