Resolution in Support of National Water Trail Designation of The Suwannee River in Suwannee County 2016-12-06

They passed a Resolution and wrote a Letter.

Thanks to Eric Musgrove, Clerk, Suwannee BOCC, for the PDF.



A Resolution in Support of National Water Trail Designation of I

The Suwannee River in Suwannee County

WHEREAS, the benefits of designation of the Suwannee River in Suwannee County as a National Water Trail include being recognized nationally as a recreation destination, nationally promoted on maps and through website, increased tourism, and increased revenue for local businesses

WHEREAS, our region benefits from promoting nature»based recreation opportunities, especially paddling, biking, hiking, equestrian activities, hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing, to increase health benefits to our local communities and encouraging youth and families to participate in outdoor activities

WHEREAS, the region benefits from promoting the rich culture and history contained within the watershed of the Suwannee River, drawing visitors eager to explore the historical legacy.

WHEREAS, the Suwannee River National Water Trail offers a unique opportunity for residents and visitors to explore an unspoiled, pristine area of Florida and Georgia

WHEREAS, the cultural, historical and natural resources of this area are some of the most unique in the Southeast

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Countv Commissioners Suwannee County Florida, endorses the Office of Greenways & Trails application for designation ofthe Suwannee River in Suwannee County as a National Water Trail by the United States Department of the Interior.

ADOPTED this 6th day of December, 2016.

Clyde Fleming, Vice-Chairman

[signed with seal]
for Barry A. Baker, Clerk of Court

Suwannee County Resolution No. 2017-16



(386) 364-5450
FAX (386) 362-1032

13150 80th Terrace
Live Oak, Florida 32060

In the Heart afthe Suwannee River Valley

December S, 2016

Mr. Doug Alderson
Padding Trail Coordinator
Dffice of Greenwavs & Trails

Division of Recreation & Parks
Department of Environmental Protection
3900 Commonwealth Blvd., MS 795
Tallahassee, Fl 323998900

RE: Letter of Support and Consent for Public Access

Dear Mr. Alderson,

Suwannee County supports efforts to designate the Suwannee River as a National Water Trail.

The original Suwannee River Wilderness Trail (SRWT) was established in 2003 and has been an exemplary alliance of private and public partners coordinating innovative management practices to protect natural, historic and cultural resources. The SRWT begins at the town of White Springs and flows 171 miles through eight riparian counties to end at the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge on the Gulf of Mexico. Creation of the Suwannee National Water Trail will extend the river’s designation northward to include the headwaters of Okeefenokee National Wildlife Refuge in southwest Georgia and will increase the distance of the trail for a total of 235 miles. Public partners in the state of Georgia are wholeheartedly supportive of this endeavor.

Abundant natural resources, rich history, and cultural heritage combined with endless recreation opportunities make the Suwannee River an outstanding candidate for this prestigious designation. National Water Trail designation will increase awareness of the river, provide economic benefits to local communities and provide an opportunity to educate the public about the significance of supporting conservation of natural resources,

The Suwannee River has multiple public boat access sites in Suwannee County that are encompassed by the scope of the project maintained by Suwannee County. We offer this support and approve of these sites being included in the requested designation with the understanding that they will not be restricted nor regulated in any manner by this requested designation.

We strongly support designation of the Suwannee River as a National Water Trail.

Clyde Fleming, Vice-Chairman
Suwannee County Board
of County Commissioners

I added a few links. There’s more about the Suwannee River Wilderness Trail on the WWALS website. And terminating at the Suwannee River are both the Alapaha River Water Trail and the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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One thought on “Resolution in Support of National Water Trail Designation of The Suwannee River in Suwannee County 2016-12-06

  1. Pingback: Resolution in Support of National Water Trail Designation of The Suwannee River in Madison County 2016-10-12 | WWALS Watershed Coalition (Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®)

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