Environment Florida filed a lawsuit 9 March 2017 against Pilgrim’s Pride
about “effluents” into the Suwannee River, alleging a violation of a
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(“NPDES”) permit, which is also a violation of the
Clean Water Act (CWA).
Here is PDF of that legal complaint, sent to us by the plaintiff’s
Suwannee Riverkeeper is always glad to see legal action going on that we don’t have to do. Here are a few notes.
Pilgrim’s Pride goes to some trouble to treat and disinfect their wastewater at its plant on US 90 west of Live Oak in Suwannee County, and then:
- The wastewater discharged into the Suwannee River is also called the Plant’s “effluent.”
- Outfall D-001 is an 18-inch diameter steel pipe that extends approximately 20 feet from the shore and discharges into the Suwannee River.
- During the Suwannee River’s low flow periods, the pipe is not always completely submerged.
- During the Suwannee River’s low flow periods, the Plant’s effluent discharging from the pipe can be seen.
And the complaint alleges the effluent is not entirely clean.
What about the waste that is not liquid? Continue reading