Of course they expect HPS II to sue, but this is still good news.
Photo by Jim Tatum, OSFR, of
Scott Koons, Executive Director of North Central Florida Regional Planning Council before Union BOCC
Jim Tatum, OSFR, 21 August 2017, Union County Will Consider Mining Comprehensive Plan Amendments,
Immediately following the workshop, the regular commission meeting was held. Here Mr. Koons presented his work for the board’s consideration, which the accepted. These amendments will be presented at public hearings for input, the first of which is likely Sept. 18.
Since HPS II had submitted an application for a mining permit, this was voted on and this was summarily rejected by a unanimous vote because of the moratorium in effect. County Attorney Russell Wade was asked to draft a letter to Alachua County accepting their offer of legal resources. Union County expects a legal challenge from HPS II.
It seems Union BOCC already knew what I reminded them of via email:
Congratulations Our Santa Fe River (OSFR) and all the other phosphate mine opponents. There’s more to be done (such as are those amendments enough to keep phosphate mines out), but Monday was another good step in the right direction.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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