Hulaween Setup 2017-10-25

Most popular question (after what does Suwannee Riverkeeper do): what about Valdosta wastewater? Hulaween hadn’t even started yet, when yesterday afternoon we already signed up one volunteer for the forthcoming WWALS water quality monitoring program.

Raffle kayak (thanks Malibu Kayaks) and booth, Evening

I also already sold a kayak raffle ticket yesterday. Thanks again to John Phillip Ramsey and Malibu Kayaks for the Trio-11 raffle kayak! The drawing will be in the Okefenokee Swamp at the December 10, 2017 WWALS outing. You do not have to be present to win. Please write your name and contact information legibly on the raffle ticket, or you can obtain a ticket online.

Kayak and  visa card raffles, stickers, buttons, Evening

Plus we’re raffling off a $100 VISA card, with drawing for that this Sunday at Hulaween. You do not have to be present to win for that, either, but you can only buy tickets to the prepaid card raffle at Hulaween.

We haven’t forgotten water trails, solar power, wastewater, corporate agriculture, pipelines, fracking, coal ash, superfunds, phosphate mines, or legislation. Your donation or membership helps with all those things.

Donations and Advocacy, Issues

Right after you get your armband scanned, look to your left and you’ll see the kayak and the WWALS and Suwannee Riverkeeper banners at the booth. Or at night, come straight up from the main stage past the ferris wheel.

Past the ferris wheel to the main stage lights, Evening

Scotti Jay and Sara Squires are camping there all weekend. Thanks, WWALS volunteers! And thanks to Debbie Lee and Mark for their usual incredibly capable vendor organizing, and the excellent booth spot.

jsq: so cold I was wearing a tablecloth, Evening

Yes, it was so cold I was wearing a tablecloth.

jsq, kayak, booth, Evening

See you at Hulaween!

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!