California court requires higher ag. runoff controls

If California can do it, so can Florida. The petition deadline for FDEP’s Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs) got pushed back to January 2019, so we shall see.

Sara Rubin, Monterey County Weekly, 20 September 2018, Victory for Monterey Coastkeeper as court rules regulations for ag runoff fall short,

Even California’s water quality law, the Porter-Cologne Act, recognizes the challenge. A 2004 addendum about nonpoint source pollution put it this way: “Current land use management practices that have resulted in nonpoint source pollution have a long and complicated physical, economic and political history… Therefore, it is expected that it will take a significant amount of time for the [regional water boards] to approve or endorse nonpoint source control implementation programs.”

Photo: Nic Coury, “Otter Project Director Steve Shimek stands near the Monterey County Water Resources Agency’s Blanco Drain, which conveys ag runoff exceeding state water quality standards to the Salinas River,” in Court slams Central Coast farm runoff rules as too weak, orders water quality improvements, by Sara Rubin, Monterey County Weekly, 14 August 2015.

That time, according to the Court of Appeal for California’s Third District, has come. A Sept. 18 decision affirms a ruling that the state’s effort to regulate agricultural water pollution on the Central Coast was too weak. “The decision was a huge win that we were hoping for,” says Monterey Coastkeeper Executive Director Steve Shimek.

Non-point-source agricultural pollution. Yes, sounds very familiar.

“We are out to improve the agriculture industry statewide, and nationwide,” Shimek says. “We are out to make waves, not ripples.”

Thanks for the precedent, California and Monterey Coastkeeper.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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