How does Nestlé appeal a decision that hasn’t been made yet? I guess we’re about to find out.
Meanwhile, I plan to go speak anyway, 9AM Tuesday 10 March 2020 at SRWMD HQ in Live Oak. How about you?
For inspiration, see the WWALS videos of the 32 speakers from December.
Nestle denial pulled from agenda
Received via email about 4PM today, Monday, March 9, 2020:
March 9, 2020
NOTICE IS GIVEN that Agenda Item No. 20—BCS Page 61—Authorization to Deny Water Use Permit Renewal Application 2-041-218202-3, Seven Springs Water Company Project, Gilchrist County has been pulled from the agenda.
The Applicant has filed a petition for administrative hearing on this denial and the District has forwarded the petition to the Division of Administrative Hearings (“DOAH”) for consideration by an Administrative Law Judge as required by law.
The District does not have jurisdiction to act on the petition until the administrative process is completed before DOAH and the Administrative Law Judge issues a recommended order. Upon issuance of the recommended order, the Governing Board will re-agenda this item for final agency action.
Suwannee River Water Management District |
A few minutes before, the revised agenda arrived via email.
Item 4 deleted (Nestle Permit Denial)
Item 20 deleted (Nestle Permit Denial)
The other two pages appeared to be unchanged.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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What in the world? Can we contact the judge and voice our displeasure?
I guess Nestlé is trying to pull a fast one. Such a giant and rich company. Scary.
What can I do to help?
We don’t know yet, but thanks for your offer, and stay tuned. -jsq