Update 2021-02-09: Back to Live Oak and online: SRWMD Nestle Special Meeting 2021-02-23.
Update 2020-03-09: Nestlé pulled from the agenda.
See in these videos 32 people speak to the SRWMD board, against Nestlé’s Ginnie Springs permit, and not a single one for, after a rally outside, in December 2019. Plus 384,000 signatures delivered by Allison Guy of SumofUs.
That permit is on the agenda for tomorrow morning, 9AM, Tuesday, March 10, 2020, at SRWMD HQ in Live Oak.
SRWMD staff recommend denial, but they did back in 2003 when the Madison Blue Spring permit was originally granted, and the SRWMD Board approved it anyway.
So come speak your mind. Come early: SRWMD is expecting so many people they’re setting up expansion space inside, and their parking will fill up quickly. Facebook event.
The Suwannee River Water Management District Board may never have heard from a mermaid before. Many other speakers were new to this venue, such as 14-year-old Isaac Augspurg.
Others were old hands, such as Our Santa Fe River (OSFR) president Mike Roth, past president Pam Smith, Historian Jim Tatum, and of course Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson.
Several WWALS members spoke, including several of the above, and Chris Mericle, Garth Brewster, and Maxine Connor.
Valdosta spill; No Nestle permit –Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman
The only speaker to cause an audible gasp from the audience was me, when I revealed that Valdosta had spilled again, 7.5 million gallons of raw sewage, upstream from Madison Blue Spring. Much more about that on the WWALS website.
I hand-delivered to SRWMD board and staff copies of the WWALS letter against Nestlé permits.
Below are links to each WWALS video of each speaker, followed by a WWALS video playlist. Please share these videos on your social media and other places.
Merrillee, you need to be in here! Against Nestle
A Valdosta sewage spill upstream from Madison Blue Spring –Suwannee Riverkeeper
Public interest: no Nestle withdrawal –Michael Roth, Pres. Our Santa Fe River
384,000 signatures against Nestle permit –Allison Guy, SumofUs
Convenience, not necessity & out of watershed, Nestle –Mike Roth, pres. OSFR
Our home under attack by Nestle –Isaac Augspurg
Say no to Nestle! –All
Order, invocation, pledge
Nestle not on agenda today but you can speak
Public Comment Against Nestle
Fled south Florida to Ginnie Springs, now Nestle –Jim O’Brien
Grassroots in England got Nestle out for grandchildren –Lucy Anstey
Draw the line against Nestle -Pam Smith, past Pres. OSFR
Support our rights, not the cancer of Nestle –Kristin Rubin, OSFR
Alexander von Humbolt predicted this (the Invention of Nature) –Martha Strawn
Video. Eel grass is gone. Science may not see the big picture of ecology. The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humbolt’s New World, by Andrea Wulf.
We’ll make sure the absent board member gets a copy
Nestle just wants money for investors extracted from our waters –Russ Augsburg
Adults in charge: do not grant Nestle permit –Isaac Augspurg, age 14
These springs affect all of Florida –Michelle Colson, mermaid from Ocala
Legal basis for denial or revocation of Nestle permit –Jim Tatum, OSFR Historian
Three daughters, one FFA pres. –Lindsey Dank, 226,208 signatures, Change.org
Valdosta spill; No Nestle permit –Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman
All these people love the rivers and springs –Garth Brewster against Nestle
384,000 signatures against Nestle permit –Allison Guy, SumofUs
Stopped 4 bottling permits, now stop Nestle –Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson OSFR
TMDLs, flows, BMAPs, Outstanding FL Waters, etc. –Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, OSFR
Tip of iceberg public opposition to Nestle –Katrina Shadix, Bear Warriors United
Want us to give our water away; makes no sense –candidate for FL Senate 5
No public interest, Nestle permit –Jane Blais, ex OSFR board
10 minute break
Huge high plains drawdowns: no Nestle from our spring aquifer –Laura Dailey
Quantity gravely diminishing; no water for Nestle –? drove an hour
Population pressure; do your due diligence -?
Native Floridian has seen decline of waterways, esp. Withlacoochee–Chris Mericle
Three prong test for public interest; no Nestle –Lucinda Merritt
Conservation continues to be necessary; no Nestle permit –Hilda Gilchrist
My name is Karen Mullins, I live in Fort White
Foreign company stealing our water; no Nestle song –Karen Mullins
Assault OK as long as only percent harm? No Nestle! –Mike Roth, pres. OSFR
Change the paradigm to eco-jurisprudence; no Nestle –Kate Gallagher, Melrose
Springs and agriculture; no Nestle –Carollee ?
Needs (sustainability) vs. wants (profits); No Nestle–Maxine Conner, Sierra Club
Expansion of Chemours titanium mine on SRWMD land , Bradford County–Paul Still
Thanks speakers, water for nature & water for economy –Hugh Thomas, E.D., SRWMD 2019-12-10
Here’s a WWALS video playlist:
Citizens about Nestle at SRWMD 2019-12-10
Videos by John S. Quarterman for WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS),
Many thanks to Jim Tatum for recording most of the speaker names in Hundred of Thousands Sign Against Nestle/Seven Springs Permit.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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