The Suwannee River Water Management District has moved its Special Meeting, to decide the Nestlé permit for Ginnie Springs on the Santa Fe River, back to Live Oak, with online participation, February 23, 2021, plus possible continuation the next day.
No Nestle permit, 2021-02-23 or any other date
That didn’t take long, due to complaints by OSFR, Ichetucknee Alliance, and others. Meeting only in-person during a pandemic, and far from both the usual meeting site and the site of the problem, was never a good idea. The tradition SRWMD has established with their regular board meetings, such as the one this morning, of meeting at their headquarters with online participation, is a much better idea.
An even better idea: deny the permit.
At the bottom of the SRWMD press release:
The mission of the Suwannee River Water Management District is to protect and manage water resources using science-based solutions to support natural systems and the needs of the public. The District holds true to the belief of water for nature, water for people.
There won’t be enough water for people or nature unless SRWMD stops issuing permits for frivolous uses such as plastic bottles for a Swiss company. The “needs of the public” include the public interest, which includes not having to pick up plastic bottles from springs and rivers, having enough water in the springs and rivers and the Floridan Aquifer, and not subsidizing a foreign company at the expense of our waters. Besides, people are part of nature, last time I looked, and pretending they are not is how you damage both.
Remember back in December 2019, when 32 people spoke against the same Nestlé permit, and delivered 384,000 petition signatures?
It’s not a good idea to crowd together people during a pandemic, but you can still send a postcard to SRWMD:
SRWMD Board Members
9225 CR 49
Live Oak, FL 32060NO Nestlé PERMIT
Or contact SRWMD by other means: NO Nestlé PERMIT.
LIVE OAK, FLA., Feb. 8, 2021 —
The Suwannee River Water Management District (District) values and encourages public input and comment. To accommodate for in-person and virtual options, the District has updated the location of the February 23-24 Special Meeting from the Suwannee River Fair Pavilion in the Town of Fanning Springs to the District headquarters in Live Oak.
The meeting will utilize online technology for visuals and telephone technology for audio. In-person seating will be limited due to health safety considerations. Registration information for the online virtual component will be available in the Governing Board materials packet for the Special Meeting.
Those interested in providing public comment on an item should submit their comment online at by February 22, 2021.
The District headquarters is located at 9225 County 49, Live Oak, FL 32060. For additional meeting information and updates, please visit
The mission of the Suwannee River Water Management District is to protect and manage water resources using science-based solutions to support natural systems and the needs of the public. The District holds true to the belief of water for nature, water for people. Headquartered in Live Oak, Florida, the District serves 15 surrounding north-central Florida counties.
For more information about the District, visit or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter, search @SRWMD.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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