Pictures: Banks Lake Full Cold Moon paddle 2021-12-18

The wind was brisk but died down as soon as we started paddling on a warm winter night, to see the sun set and the moon rise over Banks Lake, our mini-Okefenokee just west of Lakeland, Georgia.

[Banners, Sunset, Moonrise]
Banners, Sunset, Moonrise

Russell even saw an osprey nest.

[Osprey nest --Russell Allen McBride]
Osprey nest –Russell Allen McBride

Shirley Kokidko led this outing, after she paddle out early to see how the wind was.

[Shirley Kokidko scouting --Russell Allen McBride]
Shirley Kokidko scouting –Russell Allen McBride

There was a good turnout. Even Meredith was on time! And many new people.


It was easy paddling.

[Paddling out]
Paddling out

Russell was sweep, making sure everybody was OK. New paddler Yonder helped him paddle.

[Sweep: Russell Allen McBride with Yonder --Russell Allen McBride]
Sweep: Russell Allen McBride with Yonder –Russell Allen McBride

The sunset was spectacular.


Parents and children had fun.

[Lindsey and Elleanor Williams]
Lindsey and Elleanor Williams

The moon rose behind us.

[Moonrise closeup]
Moonrise closeup

The sun went on down.

[Sunset selfie]
Sunset selfie

And disappeared.

[Sunset big sky]
Sunset big sky

The moon led us back to shore.

[Moon over cypress]
Moon over cypress

There are more pictures on the WWALS website.

See also facebook posts by

Banks Lake is on the WWALS Alapaha River Water Trail.

For more outings and events, see WWALS members get a list monthly in the membership newsletter Tannin Times, as well as getting into outings for free.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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