Tifton sewage spill, Little River 2022-09-04

Update 2024-02-22: Tifton 7,000-gallon sewage spill, Golden Road above Little River 2024-02-12.

Update 2022-09-09: Clean river water quality tests, but heavy rains 2022-09-08.

Tifton spilled 2,000 gallons of sewage due to a power failure Sunday, as revealed by Wednesday’s GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report.

[Spill, Maps]
Spill, Maps

Maybe Tifton should do what Valdosta has done: buy a generator for each lift station.

We’ve seen spills before at Tifton’s Golden Road Lift Station, so it’s already in our WWALS map of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail. This location is so far upstream of anywhere water quality is tested, and the spill was so small, that it is very unlikely it will be detected in water quality samples.

[Map: I-75 Exit 60 and Golden Road Lift Station]
Map: I-75 Exit 60 and Golden Road Lift Station

That lift station is quite a few creek and Little River miles upstream from Reed Bingham State Park.

[Map: Golden Road Lift Station to Little River]
Map: Golden Road Lift Station to Little River

And even farther upstream from the Withlacoochee River and then the Suwannee River.

[Map: Tifton to Suwannee River]
Map: Tifton to Suwannee River

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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