Yesterday I went to five water quality testing sites and sampled four of them. Results tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth Brunner sampled nine sites on Cat Creek, Beatty Branch, and Beaverdam Creek. If nothing else we should have a good baseline to use in deciphering what is causing the E. coli and Fecal coliform that keeps showing up at US 41 and GA 133.
And inquiring minds want to know: what happened to all the trees at the entrance to Langdale Park?
4.5 sites, Withlacoochee River, 2022-10-27
Toms Branch
No water in Toms Branch, so no sample. We want to test it because cows graze right beside it upstream. But we’ll need more rain than that drizzle Wednesday.
Dry Toms Branch downstream to Withlacoochee River, 14:16:52, 30.9821984, -83.2648541
Remind me to take a sawzall or chainsaw or at least clippers next time, to get through the underbrush just east of Tyler Bridge.
Franklinville Landing
I took a sample on the Withlacoochee River at Frankinville Landing (Tyler Bridge).
WLRWT sign (site-specific sign missing), 13:58:14, 30.9814263, -83.2679934
The river was very low and very tea colored.
Downstream to Tyler Bridge, 13:59:27, 30.9817329, -83.2679384
Honeybun declined to touch the water at the sample site.
Sample Site, 13:59:52, 30.9817329, -83.2679384
The river bends sharp left at Tyler Bridge and follows Franklinville Road for about 1200 feet down to where Toms Branch comes in.
Downstream from Tyler Bridge, 14:08:48, 30.9812262, -83.2676542
Honeybund and Blondie had a fine time going either sie of any post or bush.
Honeybun and Blondie on Tyler Bridge, 14:08:53, 30.9812977, -83.2676718
This is looking back upstream to the test site.
Upstream from Tyler Bridge, 14:09:14, 30.9813233, -83.2677107
On the way out, the dogs had to jump down into this drainage ditch. They got to stay in the car at the rest off the stops.
Drain culvert dug out below Tyler Bridge, 14:26:33, 30.9812703, -83.2680005
Skipper Bridge
I threw a bucket off of Skipper Bridge to get a sample.
Downstream from Skipper Bridge, 14:49:09, 30.9488436, -83.2718963
Wider downstream from Skipper Bridge, 14:49:12, 30.9488436, -83.2718963
Upstream from Skipper Bridge and USGS Gauge, 14:49:27, 30.9488436, -83.2718963
Langdale Park Boat Ramp
I didn’t have time to trek down to the Withlacoochee River below the US 41 bridge, so I went to Langdale Park Boat Ramp.
Unrecognizable Langdale Park entrance, 15:05:46, 30.8874240, -83.3147270
For why the entrance to Langdale Park is so unrecognizable with trees cut down that I missed my turn, see: What happened to Langdale Park? 2022-08-05.
Langdale Park sign, 15:06:01, 30.8874237, -83.3147272
Langdale Park Boat Ramp, 15:10:32, 30.8876135, -83.3239645
Sandbar upsgtream from Langdale Park Boat Ramp, 15:13:19, 30.8875745, -83.3241709
Sandbar closeup, upstream from Langdale Park Boat Ramp, 15:13:17, 30.8874731, -83.3241670
Sample site, just below the logjam, 15:13:22, 30.8875745, -83.3241709
Downstream, sample site to Langdale Park Boat Ramp, 15:13:24, 30.8875745, -83.3241709
Looking up Langdale Park Boat Ramp, 15:13:55, 30.8875745, -83.3241709
Closeup, Langdale Park Boat Ramp, 15:13:58, 30.8875745, -83.3241709
Langdale Park Boat Ramp and WLRWT signs, 15:14:44, 30.8875818, -83.3238460
WLRWT signs, Langdale Park Boat Ramp, 15:14:49, 30.8875818, -83.3238460
Georgia 133 Bridge
Finally, I had just enough rope to sample at the GA 133 (St. Augustine Road) Withlacoochee River Bridge.
Downstream, Withlacoochee River @ GA 133, 15:38:08, 30.8499570, -83.3397382
Farther upstream, Withlacoochee River @ GA 133, 15:38:11, 30.8499570, -83.3397382
Last time I was there, the state road crew said they were going to put rocks in the drainage ditch, and they weren’t kidding. So I did not walk down that way to sample.
Rocks in drainage ditch, GA 133 @ Withlacoochee River, 15:29:41, 30.8492208, -83.3386201
Rocks along drainage ditch, 15:38:41, 30.8499359, -83.3397056
Closeup, rocks, drainage ditch, 15:38:45, 30.8499359, -83.3397056
Down to the Withlacoochee River, 15:38:49, 30.8499359, -83.3397056
For more about water quality testing, see:
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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