Daily Archives: February 28, 2023

Yet another Valdosta sewage spill into Knights Creek 2023-02-22

Update 2023-03-02: Valdosta February 2023 sewage spills, plus Ashburn 2023-03-01.

The third sewage Valdosta sewage spill at the same location happened last Wednesday, and Valdosta got around to telling the public five days later.

[Knights Creek to Alapaha River, E. Park Ave., US 84]
Knights Creek to Alapaha River, E. Park Ave., US 84

Received 5:11 PM yesterday.

Collapsed Sewer Line Spillage Update

On Wednesday evening, February 22, 2023, during routine inspections of manholes upstream of the recent collapsed 20” sanitary sewer main, city staff observed a wastewater overflow near the 1800 block of East Park Avenue at the site of a previous sewer spill occurring on February 20, 2023. Upon investigation, it was determined that bypass pumping operation installations and unknown sediment blockages were likely the cause of the spill. City staff and a local contractor continue to work around the clock to adjust and remove blockages to stop and prevent any spills and make repairs to the collapsed sewer main. An estimated 119,000 gallons of wastewater was released into the wetland watershed area adjacent to Knights Creek. City staff immediately began cleanup and disinfecting at the overflow location. All appropriate regulatory and public health agencies have been notified, and warning signs have been posted.

The rest of this sewage spill press release is the same Continue reading

Suwannee Riverkeeper on Scott James Radio 92.1 FM 2023-02-28

Update 2023-03-02: Videos: Mayor and Chairman’s Paddle, Sewage spills, Trash, Okefenokee Swamp over stripmine @ Radio 2023-02-28.

Suwannee Riverkeeper will talk about the Mayor and Chairman’s Paddle coming up this Saturday, saving the Okefenokee Swamp from a strip mine, trash, sewage, parks, and rivers on Scott James Talk 92.1 FM radio this morning, Tuesday, 8:30 AM.

[Radio, Paddle]
Radio, Paddle



Topics discussed will probably include: Continue reading