Pictures: Red Roberts Little River Upstream Chainsaw Cleanup 2024-09-21

That was a very productive chainsaw cleanup, even though we didn’t even get three miles up the Little River from Red Roberts Landing.

[Many deadfalls, Little River Chainsaw Cleanup, Red Roberts Landing 2024-09-21 Darlene Ray, Paris & Tommy Stoeffler, Tish Hall, Lon Kemeness, John S. Quarterman]
Many deadfalls, Little River Chainsaw Cleanup, Red Roberts Landing 2024-09-21 Darlene Ray, Paris & Tommy Stoeffler, Tish Hall, Lon Kemeness, John S. Quarterman

Here are some video snippets:

It was a nice day down on Rountree Road.

[WWALS Road sign, Red Roberts Landing --John S. Quarterman, 08:40:43, 31.1923103, -83.5205105]
WWALS Road sign, Red Roberts Landing –John S. Quarterman, 08:40:43, 31.1923103, -83.5205105

This outing was Darlene Eanes Ray’s idea, and she led the way.

[Somebody fishing just above Rountree Bridge --John S. Quarterman, 09:27:20, 31.1957045, -83.5195959]
Somebody fishing just above Rountree Bridge –John S. Quarterman, 09:27:20, 31.1957045, -83.5195959

Thanks to Paris & Tommy Stoeffler for chainsawing in their jon boat,

[Movie: Tommy shortening some more --John S. Quarterman, 12:15:51, 31.2124849, -83.5114474 (112M)]
Movie: Tommy shortening some more –John S. Quarterman, 12:15:51, (112M) 31.2124849, -83.5114474

along with John S. Quarterman in the WWALS jon boat with 9.9 hp outboard.

[jsq almost sawed through Sumner Deadfall --Darlene Eanes Ray, 10:55:54, 31.2090029, -83.5101839]
jsq almost sawed through Sumner Deadfall –Darlene Eanes Ray, 10:55:54, 31.2090029, -83.5101839

Thanks to Tish Hall and Lon Kemeness for pulling limbs out of the way.

[Tish Hall and Lon Kemeness --Darlene Eanes Ray, 09:41:54, 31.1966538, -83.5204053]
Tish Hall and Lon Kemeness –Darlene Eanes Ray, 09:41:54, 31.1966538, -83.5204053

and to Lon for handsawing underwater.

[Lon removing some limbs --Darlene Eanes Ray, 12:18:21, 31.2121907, -83.5114890]
Lon removing some limbs –Darlene Eanes Ray, 12:18:21, 31.2121907, -83.5114890

Thanks to Wild Green Future for the generous grant that bought the 9.9 hp outboard, the 24-inch Husqvarna 460 chainsaw, and the battery that I loaned to Tommy and Paris.

[Tommy, Tish, Lon --Darlene Eanes Ray, 12:59:16, 31.2148844, -83.5118186]
Tommy, Tish, Lon –Darlene Eanes Ray, 12:59:16, 31.2148844, -83.5118186

There are 185 pictures on the WWALS website.

There don’t seem to be many pictures of when the outboard wouldn’t start after choking it down too many times.

[jsq restarting outboard --Darlene Eanes Ray, 15:23:28, 31.1965694, -83.5202249]
jsq restarting outboard –Darlene Eanes Ray, 15:23:28, 31.1965694, -83.5202249

Fortunately, that was only half a mile upstream from Red Roberts Landing, and with Darlene paddling ahead with a rope and me paddling in the jon boat, we got there pretty fast.

I had the 86lb thrust trolling motor that the Wild Green Future grant also bought, but see above about I loaned the battery to Paris and Tommy. Before I set out, I had thought maybe I should take both Reonogy Power Queen LiFePO4 (lithium iron phosphate) 12.8V 100Ah batteries. Now I know always to do that.

And not to worry: after being looked over by neighbor Dennis Ashley, the outboard started later no problem.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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