Ashburn sewage spills, October and November 2024 in GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report 2024-10-14

Ashburn still needs to get a grip on its sewage spills. More timely reporting would also be good. One of them showed up in the GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report a month late, and the other a week after the spill.

I missed seeing these Ashburn spills when they first appeared, due to a glitch in network access for the WWALS software that retrieves and interprets these reports daily.

[Ashburn sewage spills, October and November 2024, in GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report 2024-11-13]
Ashburn sewage spills, October and November 2024

It’s not clear why it says “Wet weather” for October 14, since the only rain records I can find for Ashburn, Georgia, say it was clear and sunny that day and the day before. There was a fatal car wreck on I-75 in Ashburn on October 14, but the news report says nothing about wet weather.

Of course, Ashburn could have had its own flash flood event.

The November 7 Ashburn spill coincides with the Valdosta flash flood, and some of that rain did extend farther north.

[GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report 2024-11-13]
GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report 2024-11-13

It’s actually Rockhouse Road (not Rockdale). And, as you can see on this map, that manhole is only slightly upstream on Hat Creek from the wastewater treatment plant.

[Map: Ashburn Airport WTP and Sylvia Drive in ARWT]
Map: Ashburn Airport WTP and Sylvia Drive in the WWALS map of the Alapaha River Water Trail (ARWT)

I was reminded of these Ashburn spills as the most recent one rolled off the GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report today, December 9, 2024, after a month on there.

[GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report 2024-12-09]
GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report 2024-12-09

Also today, Valdosta’s more numerous and bigger flash flood sewage spills rolled off.

Maybe soon Valdosta Utilities will discover what is still contaminating Sugar Creek.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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