Pictures: Banks Lake Full Cold Moon Paddle 2024-12-15

Thanks, Kim Tanner, for leading this paddle.

[Banks Lake Full Cold Moon, Banks Lake NWR, Lakeland, GA 2024-12-15]
Banks Lake Full Cold Moon, Banks Lake NWR, Lakeland, GA 2024-12-15

Thanks to Lanier County and Banks Lake Outdoors for free boat rental for these WWALS Full Moon Paddles.

See also Video: Kayak raffle drawing for Skimmer 128 Hurricane kayak at Banks Lake 2014-12-15.

For more WWALS outings and events as they are posted, see the WWALS outings web page, WWALS members also get an upcoming list in the Tannin Times newsletter.

[Grinning banners]
Grinning banners

[Movie: Dogs and banners (17M)]
Movie: Dogs and banners (17M)


[Janet Massengale selfie]
Janet Massengale selfie



[Kim Tanner in the cannoe and Janet in the kayak]
Kim Tanner in the cannoe and Janet in the kayak


[On the water]
On the water

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!