Author Archives: Chris Mericle

WWALS, Sierra Club and Spectrabusters Partner to Fight Sabal Trail Pipeline

Maryvonne Devensky, Chair of Suwannee-St. Johns Group of the Florida Sierra Club Chapter, organized a “plan of action” meeting held yesterday, 01-16-2016 at Suwannee River State Park, to fight the Sabal Trail pipeline.  Maryvonne said it is time for Sierra Club to partner with organizations like WWALS and Spectrabusters, who have been in this fight from the beginning, in order to have a united front.
Sabal Trail pipeline meeting pavilion at SRSP

Sabal Trail pipeline meeting pavilion at SRSP

Approximately 40 people came out to get more information about the pipeline and to help strategize what steps to take to stop the pipeline.  Attendees included people from as far away as Continue reading

Tonight: Hamilton County Commission and FL DEP Sabal Trail permit

TONIGHT in Hamilton County, 6 pm:

FYI….pipelines are a direct result of fracking in our country. The Suwannee and Santa Fe River is faced with this destructive transport system.

Hamilton County already wrote and voted in favor of supporting a statewide ban on fracking. I do not see them being in favor of a pipeline cutting through their community for gas infrastructure. BUT, we’ll see after tonight. If you can attend this meeting or share this with others who may, that would be good to be a part of the discussion.

Please share this: FL DEP to issue permit trusting Sabal Trail to prevent leaks into the Floridan Aquifer.

Hamilton Co. BOCC is taking up this issue tonight at their regular meeting. The meeting starts at 6pm at the courthouse. This is not on the agenda, so it will be discussed at the end of the meeting and public comment may not be allowed.

Chris Mericle

Lakeland To Hotchkiss Rd. Landing Paddle

It was hot Saturday morning. The water level was perfect (2.2 feet on the Statenville gage),  IMG_0892 a nice current to help push us to our destination 14 miles away. As the Alapaha River meanders through the wilderness of South Georgia it erodes the banks on the outside of the curves forming tall bluffs and on the inside of the curve the slow water drops sand to form beautiful white sand beaches that beckoned us to stop for a swim, so we did.

The canopy at times covered the river completely. It is very Continue reading

Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources –Theodore Roosevelt

Thanks for sharing the letter from Pope Francis. I hope people sit up and take notice! As you pointed out in your post, with the quotes from MLK Jr., it is not the first time we have heard this. Here is an even older Quote from Teddy Roosevelt:

“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”
—Theodore Roosevelt

When are we going to listen.
