Sabal Trail resolution at Suwannee County Board of Commissioners Tuesday 2015-11-17

ACTION ALERT! SBOCC will be drafting a resolution concerning the Sabal Trail pipeline and compressor station at the next meeting. (facebook event)

When: 6PM Tuesday, Nov 17, 2015

Where: 218 Parshley Street Southwest, Live Oak, Florida 32064

Directions: Turn right at post office, go through stop sign, next building on right.

Please attend and show your support for this very important initiative by our county officials. Your input would be greatly appreciated.

-Debra Johnson

This item is not on the Suwannee BOCC agenda yet. However, we have reason to believe it will be discussed and probably voted on.

This is huge, because Suwannee County is the one county targetted by every route ever proposed by Sabal Trail.

Suwannee County Commissioner Richard Gamble testified at the hearing in Jasper that it cost Suwannee County “Between 1.4 and 1.5 million” dollars to fix sinkholes at the Klausner sawmill site.

WWALS member Tom Edwards testified that he owns 900 acres or more where the pipeline would emerge from under the Suwannee River into Suwannee County, and that he informed Sabal Trail of additional sinkholes, springs, and gopher tortoises on his land and that they did nothing.

Two WWALS members who live near the proposed Hildreth compressor station site testified:

  • David Shields, whose family of six is building an organic farm,
  • and Dana Stevens, through whose property the pipeline would run, including through the resting place of the ashes of his wife’s grandmother.

Other WWALS members from Suwannee County testified, including

All these people have already helped oppose the Sabal Trail fracked methane invasion from Houston, Texas. You can help, too, by attending the Tuesday evening meeting, or calling or writing the Suwannee County Commissioners.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

One thought on “Sabal Trail resolution at Suwannee County Board of Commissioners Tuesday 2015-11-17

  1. Pingback: Confirmed: Resolution against Sabal Trail today at Suwannee County Commission 2015-11-17 | SpectraBusters

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